Oh my god ily ily ily ♡'・ᴗ・'♡

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(Ik it's just a question but... thank you thank you thank you for asking me a question ily ily ily ily *internet hugs* thank you I'm going through a bad time so this means more than the world to me ♡)
Sketch: I love them all but... hmmm lilacs
Katie: you should look up the "hanging naked men flower" it's my favorite
Sketch: eww
Tony: What? Uhh that depends on what you mean. But if it's what I think it is, I'd much rather spend time with Colin.  *whispers* At least he's smart
Larry: huh?
Tony: nothing...
Shrigy: thank you and I don't know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ maybe someone up there likes me
Steak: 12:00 pm, am is just too stressful for me
Fridge: 12:00 I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Spinach: 12:00 am (usually slumber parties with the girls)
Ben: 12:00 pm because that's when I can play
Larry: *sighs and shoves shrigy's face into his* now can I have a drink?
Katie: no
Shrigy: 0.0 now if you'll excuse me, I'll be praying to Malcolm *he flies out slowly*
Katie: hell yeah I wanna sprite cranberry thank you *sip sip*
Harry: medieval times or the renaissance. The art is beautiful
Robin: Yesterday to tell myself to go leather shopping. omq they were on sale yesterday and I didn't know...
Manny: hmmm last Halloween to eat candy
Katie: Halloween is just this Sunday..
Manny: really? Then I'd go to the day we saw Ms. sketchbook and warn us so you didn't die
Harry/Robin/Katie: awwww ♥︎
Katie: that's all we've got so stay safe and have a happy Halloween Katie Out!

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