mason Mount - 2

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I have been married to Mason Mount, the love of my life, for a year now and it has been epic. We have been on dates still, a weekend getaway every month and every two months we would spend the day out doing whatever we wanted. sometimes it was shopping, other times watching a football match and once Mason surprised me with tickets to a concert. It was amazing! It is now international break and so we have decided that we will have our weekend get away right after and it works as they leave the camp on Friday and their training starts on a Monday and so we have the whole weekend to go somewhere else. I cant wait! It's always been fun. Never boring. Always something to talk about. It's always been amazing!

I stand wearing a white England top with Mrs Mount on the back, black leggings, trainers, my hair down and curled and I have just got my nails done white. I stare at myself before applying lipgloss to my lips and picking up my phone as it rings.
"Yes?" I say and put my bag on my shoulder. Mason told me to meet him in the car and hes been waiting for around five minutes now.
"Is this Isabelle Mount?" An unrecognisable voice asks. "Who's asking?"
"My name is Elizabeth Butter. I am looking for a new boss." This is confusing me.
"What do you mean?"
"I am an agent for singers. Artists. I have seen videos of your singing and if you'd like I can see if we can record a song with a producer. Do you have one prepared?" She asks. Of course I do.
"Yes. When would this be?" I ask. I cant do it if i am busy.
"Whenever you can get in for. I understand you're married and so you would be at England camp at the moment, is that correct?"
"I am on my way there at the moment."
"If you're interested I can drop by and give you some papers about it." I agree and end the call as i open the car door.
"Who was that?" Mason asks. He wears a matching oversized hoodie to mine, I put my hoodie on and pull my hair out from beneath it.
"An agent called Elizabeth Butter. She said she can get me a producer and record a song." I say. Turning off my phone, Mason starts the car and kisses me. He begins to drive and congratulates me. "She said she will stop by the camp and drop off some files about it." We continue to talk about what it could mean and eventually I manage to convince Mason to talk about football. I am not even sure who our game is. I think it's the qualifiers.

I stand watching them all play football, Mason on a team with Declan  and they dont have to wear the purple bibs, unlike Phil's team. Mason scores and winks at me as he runs back in celebration. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see Garath Southgate and a woman behind him
"This is Elizabeth Butter. She says she here to see you." Me and Liz, as she told me to tell her, sit down on a bench that is on a balcony. We wanted to sit somewhere that I can see and make sure there is nothing wrong in football and in the fresh air and on a bench. She hands me a large folder.
"That includes details on me, the producer I have picked out and some of the things that will be included if you decide to go with it." She says. I smile at her and have a look to see that she has worked with Ariana Grande, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry and so many more artists. I thank her and she leaves

I sit down as everyone continues to play football I open the folder and have a look at the producer. No good having a good agent if you dont have a good producer. Seeing that he has also worked with Ariana Grande on her album Sweetner and Positions is an immediate pros to my list. I have been writing them down the pros and cons and at the moment I havent got anything for cons. They are good at booking tours, good at ticket sales and able to get VIP passes to who I want them to be with. Can be released at a date of my choosing and I work through the hours that Mason is midway through his training and finish half an hour after his training. Perfect times for me. I have to work for one hour minimum on a weekend, which can be the hour before Masons game starts and then get there in time to watch Chelsea play. Everything is fitting together perfectly. Almost too perfect. I have look and decide to search them up. Good reviews from everyone, and venues and they have good money. This may be the thing I need to set my career off!

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