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After a quick phone call, Reid knew the dose he could give to Archie, so he did. I made sure to get as much snot from his nose as I could before letting Reid lay him down to sleep. The time was now around seven, and he had woken up again.

"I swear this kid is a hand full". I watched Reid as he was shirtless with his cross chain hanging down a bit, holding Archie in one arm, and his reading glasses on. I stared at his snail trail as he had on grey joggers, basically walking around in lingerie if you ask me. I loved to see him this way. "No sexy time for us I guess" Reid said as he rolled his eyes.

He walked until he sat on the couch, letting Archie lay on his chest. He looked so sad and tired, but he just wouldn't stay asleep. I picked the remote up and changed the channel, tuning into a comedy.

"Should we order food?" I looked over at Reid and he nodded. "What are you in the mood for?".

He sighed. "Maybe sushi. Is there a sushi place near?" I nodded and picked up my phone to order.

A hour later the guy arrived with our food, and we sat on my couch, eating while Archie begged and begged. "You can't eat this yet". I pouted as Reid spoke to Archie. I know it isn't safe but I wanted to give him a bit. I wouldn't dare though.

I picked up my phone to scroll a bit, stopping and gasping once I saw Anastasia on a news page. Reid quickly looked at me and scooted closer, wanting to see what it was that had me so puzzled.

"Anastasia Atkinson seen with Timmothee Reaves. Babe he's like a millionaire" I said, making Reid grab my phone from me. "They're rumored to be dating". Reid paused for a minute, looking as if he was putting two and two together, then suddenly shrugging.

"Good. Maybe she'll be a better person since she's in the eye of the media". He handed me my phone and held Archie closer, coddling him in some sort.

I looked over at him, sensing some type of fear as he held onto the baby. Reid for sure showed Archie much love with kisses, and cuddles, but this was a different kind of hold. He almost seemed scared.


Archie had gotten over his cold by the morning so he was safe to go back into daycare, meaning that Reid and I didn't have to call off of work. I walked past the break room, stopping once I heard women talking.

"Did you see it? Timmothee Reaves. This guy is rich. He's sitting on piles of money. She's lucky she's not with Reid anymore." One woman whispered.

The other woman disagreed. "She left him with a baby that she had hooked on drugs. She doesn't get a happy ending".

The woman chuckled before sighing."girl, dropping Reid's not so masculine ass was the best thing she could have ever done. Now he gets to knock up his new girlfriend".

The woman chuckled after her. "Reid is pretty hot, and he's gotten more sexy. Sometimes I dream of him bending me over inside his office. I'd let him have his way with me any day".

The woman hummed. "But I heard he let Anastasia hit him. Who knows how long before Aurelia starts to knock him up side the head".

I huffed as I heard the way they talked. Entering the office, they gasped and fell quiet as they looked at me.

"Seems like we have a cricket problem. What happened to all the shit you guys were just talking?" I asked.

"I-i" the woman started but stopped when she had nothing to say.

"Oh, and a stuttering problem too" I folded my arms. "It's funny that you're talking shit about something you have no idea about. How about you guys keep your mouths closed before I put my fist to them" I turned around and started to walk out of the room, turning back around to say something else. "And for your info, Reid is a very dominant man. Too bad you'll never be able to see him the way I do".

I smirked before leaving the lounge room and knocking on his office door. I heard a muffled come in so I did, seeing him sitting down at his desk with papers all over. "Something wrong, love?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No. Just want you to fuck me on top of this desk". He looked up at me with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Really? Why all of a sudden?" He scooted his chair back a bit as I walked closer to him. I straddled his lap and shrugged. "No, there is a reason" he said.

I smiled. "I just miss having you inside me, and we haven't been able to do anything. I was just thinking of you with this off-" I touched his shirt "-and this" I touched his pants. I nodded as he smirked.

"Seeing me naked turns you on?" He asked.

I nodded my head. "You have big muscles that can hold me up. They flex every time you touch me. You have abs" I bit my lip. "And your dick is long-" I came closer to his ear, licking his earlobe "and thick". He shuttered but I kept going. "Sometimes it hurts to take you but I still do".

I wrapped my arms around him and he groaned, squeezing my waist. "Do you have any fucking clue what you do to me? Hm? I have work to finish but I'm stopping to have office sex with you. I bet that turns you on, hm? The thought of doing this here when we're not supposed to."

I let out a small moan as he lifted up, gently placing me on top of his desk. "Yes, Reid. It makes me so ready for you". I bit my lip, seeing him move the papers around.

He nodded. "Take your underwear off and give them to me". I hopped down from his desk and pulled my skirt up a bit before grabbing my underwear and sliding them down my legs. He smirked as I handed them to him. "I like these" he said.

I shrugged. "They're okay, I have better ones. Ones more sexy". He shook his head.

"No I'm saying that I like dirty underwear". I frowned.

"Babe I'm not judging you, but dirty?" I asked.

He chuckled, placing his hands under my pits and lifting me back onto the desk. "Used would be the better word. Having them in my possession after you've worn them all day slightly arouses me."

I nodded and bit my lip as I lifted my skirt more, spreading my legs so that my feet could be flat on top of the desk. He came closer to me and placed a small kiss on my neck before we heard a knock on the door. I quickly pushed him off as I stood up, adjusting myself.

He chuckled, backing away and swiping my underwear from his desk, putting them into his pocket.

"Make it seem like we were talking about something" I whispered.

He nodded. "And next time Ms. Bianchi I want these on time. I would hate to demote you" he said sternly, pulling the door open.

I looked to see that it was one of the women who I heard earlier. "Yes, sir" I said to Reid before turning around. I gave her a smirk before wiping the corners of my mouth, to which she held her mouth open. Bitch.


"Can we get ice cream? My throat hurts, Reid"

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