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"Oh! Almost forgot. Here is this box. My husband told me to give it to you and to not look inside so I didn't" Peter shook his head, handing me a sparkly pink box. "I was scared that maybe it'd be some weird girly shit inside". He sounded so southern that it made me giggle a bit. I myself was from the south, but his accent was very strong.

"Why thank you so much sir" I said in a deep southern accent, making him chuckle.

He placed his hand on my shoulder and shook his head. "I heard today makes a year? You and Reid". I nodded. "How are the two of you handling things? Dinner? Movie? Something special?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Well we always spend time together so dinner or cuddling is the norm, but maybe we could go dancing or something? I know Reid's not that good of a dancer but I'd like to see him try".

He nodded, walking towards his cubicle and sitting in his chair as I stood behind him, listening. "For our six month anniversary, Shane and I went rock climbing. I'll never do shit like that again, but if I can see him smile like that again I would. He had so much fun while I was miserable but I was enjoying every second."

I nodded as I looked at the box, tilting it to the side a bit. I know Peter loves Shane so much and that the love is reciprocated. My favorite couple.

"Maybe we could do something like that? And he mentioned fishing one time. It's a bit cold out right now though" I said and he nodded.

"Maybe you guys could do something with the baby. Maybe go to the aquarium" he offered.

"He already took us there for my birthday. It was amazing. Archie was only a month I think. But he had wide eyes the entire time, looking like a crazy man" I giggled.

He nodded. "Maybe call Shane and ask? He always has good ideas." I nodded as I took it into consideration. Shane did always have good ideas, and could come up with them pretty quickly.

I went to my cubicle to sit down, opening up the box and closing it really fast. Really Shane!


Reid sat on the drivers side like always, still in his business attire as we had just gotten off of work, picking Archie up from daycare. I was watching the masses of people when I turned to see Reid, making a left turn.

He looked so sexy, extending his arm and letting the other rest. "Babe? This isn't the way home." I said. He nodded.

"I figured we could have some alone time? It's the day of our anniversary and I want to drink a bit. Do you have something you want to do?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Drinking sounds fine, but I don't want Archie to leave. Can we just keep him?" Reid nodded as he pulled over, making an illegal U-turn. He started back towards our apartments and I smiled. "Mines tonight?" He nodded as he chuckled.

"I see you have something sneaky planned?" He lifted his eyebrows, looking over at me. I shrugged.


"Okay! One more sip and we have to do the next one" Reid yelled, making me giggle. I don't know why the two of us decided to do this while tipsy, but I swear this has to be one of the best memories.

One we had made it back to my house, we put Archie down for a small nap while we did a fun activity together. Of course we had him join in before sleeping. I had gotten a painting set for Christmas one year and I'm just now using it. We decided to go on a limb and just paint anything we wanted on the large canvas.

"Okay, but if you yell again Archie will wake up" I widened my eyes at Reid who chuckled, holding the glass of wine up in the air as he sat down on the floor. I climbed onto my knees and grabbed it from him, taking a small sip before he grabbed it back and finished it.

I grabbed a small paint brush and dipped it into the paint before touching the canvas. "What will we do with this thing? It looks horrible, except for this spot" I pointed to Archie's small hand print.

Reid chuckled and sighed before picking up his paint brush. "Maybe we could hang it in our new home? Put it right inside the living room to signify our love" he said and I nodded.

"That sounds like a very good idea. So are we done here?" He nodded, slowly standing up. "I need to shower, do you mind?" He shook his head and I smiled. Good.


"Reid! It feels so sensitive"

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