32 | women loving women

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⎯⎯ AURORA WASN'T TOO FOND OF PARTIES, ESPECIALLY ONES THAT WEREN'T REALLY PARTIES. Parties were supposed to be fun and loose, but this felt the exact opposite of loose. Especially with her father coming. "I haven't seen him since I had a little freak out, it's been ages." Natasha wasn't the easier person to talk to, but everyone else was busy helping Pepper set up.

Nat stood in front of Aurora-- who sat on a bar stool --the red-head was applying eyeliner to the other's eyelids. "Isn't your dad that angry reporter man?" Aurora moved to nod, "Hey, no moving." Natasha had grabbed Aurora's chin in order to stop her and it made Aurora's heart stop for a moment.

"Yea, he's your typical white dad. Conspiracy theories and everything," Nat scoffed, "He's not racist though don't worry. If he was, I wouldn't speak to him."

"I suppose that's something, do you use mascara?"

Aurora opened her eyes, "No, I tend to touch my lashes." Natasha nodded, "Are you done?"

"You can do your lips if you want?" Nat asked before their eyes met again, the air was thick with tension.

The entire situation reminded Aurora of that picture of two girls, one sitting on the other's lap, doing her makeup. It felt entirely too hot in her room but god did Aurora just want to kiss Nat.

"You can do them," Aurora blurted out, cheeks hot in embarrassment. She didn't want to admit that Nat affected her severely. A knowing smirk appeared on Natasha's face.

She finished with Aurora's lips and turned toward the mirror to apply the same color to her own. "I really don't think I can do this, I've never been to a party-thing like this."

"I'm sure it'll be fine. These things aren't so bad--" Natasha cut Aurora off before she could speak, "Don't you dare tell Tony I said that." She pointed at Aurora threateningly but the brunette knew Natasha wasn't serious, "Just talk to a few people here and there, drink some champagne and have a good time. If things go south, I'll find you, okay?"

Aurora nodded, "Okay, thank you, Nat." She hugged Natasha. It sounded cliche to think but Aurora could tell they were made for one another. "You look amazing by the way," She said as they drew apart.

"I was gonna say the same thing, do you wanna go down like ten minutes late so we can just blend in?"

"Oh god, please."

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