14 | blue eyes

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⎯⎯ NEITHER OF THEM HAS SAID A WORD SINCE SHE SAT DOWN, HOLDING HER CUP WITH AN IRON GRIP. Ha! Ironic. She knew that at some point she'd need to loosen her grip but she can't think of the words in her head. Aurora doesn't want to think the very words in her head that she knows will make her completely lose her shit.

"What's your name? I'm Steve."

Aurora wanted to say 'I know who you are.' But it felt rude speaking to Steve Rogers like he wasn't eighty-something-years old. "I'm Aurora." She finally looked at him, this was new to both of them. But Aurora assumed he knew what to do in this situation. (Another spoiler: he has absolutely no idea what's going on). His blue eyes were nice.

They weren't nearly as pale as the brunette's eyes but the shine in them showed he was from a different time. There was an aura around the soldier that made Aurora relax. She felt safe. "That's a pretty name."

"It's after a cartoon Princess..." Aurora murmured while picking at a hangnail on her thumb. She hated knowing that her mother was such a sucker for Disney that she named her daughter after Sleeping Beauty...

If anything, Steve resembles the blonde Princess more than Aurora does. Blond hair and blue eyes, all he needs is a tiara and a dress. Aurora nearly choked on her cocoa thinking of Steve in a dress. That'd be a sight for anyone to see. "Doesn't make it less pretty." Steve sounded sincere, so Aurora finally looked into his eyes as he was staring into her own.

Meeting people's eyes has always been hard for her, it's always felt too intimate to look someone in the eyes. But for some reason, it feels nice being trapped in Steve's gaze. "You're my soulmate." The words made their way out before she could stop herself.

He surprised her by nodding, "I thought that much when I bumped into you." He remembered her? And he didn't try looking for her? Aurora spent nearly a month searching for the one who quite literally lit up her life. The last four months have been amazing besides all of the mundane tasks she's always hated. The colors are the most wonderful gift she's ever been given...

"Oh... I looked for you, you know?" Steve nodded, almost agreeing that he did the same.

"I didn't really know what it meant since soulmates weren't a big topic in the '30s..." Oh god, Aurora almost forgot for a moment, she nearly forgot that Steve wasn't from this time. The time where all you could know about soulmates was a single google search away... This was going to be the hardest thing she's ever done... 

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