"Why are you here?"

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A/n: Sorry reposted a few hours late but I'm here so enjoy


"Wait a second, pause, start from the top, one at a time," I said holding my head in my hands trying to understand what the group was telling me. "We need your help Y/n," said Mal. I paused again the looked up at them. I then looked at Mal. "You came back?" I asked. "Yeah" she responded.

"And you were here for how long until they came"

"Y/n that's not the point"

"How long were you here before they had shown up"

"Maybe like 4 or 5 hours"

I looked at her in disbelief. I then turned to the other. "And you guys how long were you here when she went to see Uma". They all looked down and didn't answer. I scoffed and laughed. "I can't believe this," I said. " Y/n we're really sorry but the King of Auradon life is at stake he-" Evie tried to reason. I stood up cutting her off " MY LIFE WAS AT STAKE HERE" I said my voice breaking. " You 4 left me here, to get a wand, that was damn well impossible. A-a-and then not only that but moved on. I stayed here for 6 months waiting. You PROMISED you would come get me. You promised you would come back. Y-y-you broke me. And now you want me to help you" I said shedding a few tears. " What is wrong with you people." I said. "I almost died here, I almost died because of your parents" That all made them look up at me. "Yeah, Yeah don't think that little choosing good act not cost anything. Evie you became a designer. Jay you are a tourney coach and one of the most athletic people I've ever seen. Mal you are in a relationship with the King for god's sake...." I said couldn't stop crying they hurt me and they need to know it.

"And Carlos. Carlos Oscar De Vil. You own a dog now. You play tourney, you help friends, you're there for everyone else.. but you left me. I loved you" I said and everyone was shocked. "Y/n we're so sorry," said Mal. 

"No just forget it," I said grabbing my jacket getting ready to leave. "Y/n please we really need you," said Carlos. I looked him dead in the eyes walked up to him and said " And I needed you so much for forever". I place the necklace he had gotten me a long time ago in his hand and left the hideout.

Carlos' POV:

"What do we do now?" I said as I held the necklace Y/n gave back to me. " Guys we can't do this without Y/n she knows the Isle in and out," said Mal. Evie seemed focused on something else. "Jay are you ok," she said as she placed a hand on his shoulder. We all turned to him. Nobody had ever seen Jay so heartbroken. "I failed her." He said."Who jay?" Mal said. 

" I failed my little sister, She needed me and I wasn't there, We left her. We didn't give her a second thought after we became good. And look what happened. She had bruises on her did you guys not see them?" He said.

"Guys we have to get Y/n back and fast," said Mal


I walked into Uma's shop and walked up to her. She looked at me confused. "Where is he," I asked. She laughed. "Oh looks like the goodys little helper came in. Tell them we need the wand our he isn't coming back", She said. "I'm not here to send a message I'm here because I need to talk to him," I said.

"You think for one second I believe you," She said

"I don't think I know"

"You know I don't so why ask"

"I didn't ask to talk I asked to see"

"What you blind"

"No are you deaf"

"You've got nerve stepping up to me"

"Nerve and muscles run through my body"

"5 minutes and then you leave, don't try anything". She said looking at me seriously." Wow a time limit what are we prisoners. Oh wait I forgot he is". I said.

I walked into a room they were holding him in and he was tied up. He looked up at me confused. "Are you one of Uma's gang members I don't recognize you". He said. " I said down in a chair in front of him."Well some people tell me I look like my dad"

"Y/n?" He said

"The one and only"

"Great you think you could help me out?"

"See I would love too but the people that are on your side don't really fit in my likeable people list," I said. He looked defeated. I gave in

 " Look I can't help you right now because Uma and her gang are right outside so I guarantee they're listening. I'm gonna say this once and only once you understand" I whispered to him. He nodded. "Okay, They are gonna take you to their ship and threaten to throw you overboard. Mal and the Vk's got everything set up all you have to do is follow their lead. Don't mess it up. And most of all " I whispered looking at him in the eyes. "Don't take me with you". 

He furrowed his eyebrows. "But-" He tried to protest. "No buts. Do I make myself clear?" I asked.  He nodded. I smiled at him and loosened the ropes a bit. "Hang in there King of Auradon". I walked out of the restaurant and back to the hideout.

"You have 10 minutes to get me on your side or your King is as good as dead," I said looking at Core 4.

A/n: Shorter than usual I know I wanted to stop this part right here ya know dramatic. But I'm making the next part now so. also y/n knew all that stuff because she saw them on the TV

989 words.

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