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A/N: Check out my other story "Skip A Beat" I'm doing two at a time in case people want a variety. Love you guys. Enjoy!


"And that's why we need your help," Said Carlos. "Well, you guys.." I laughed "Are absolutely fucked but I'm gonna help". They all signed in relief. "But don't think of this as I forgive you I talked to Ben and I'm going to help for his life, not for you guys," I said. They all nodded. 

"Alright boys, y/n you go make Fairy Godmother's Wand. Me and Evie will go make the smoke bombs," said Mal. We all nodded "And remember guys losing is not an option because we're rotten" Mal said. "To the core" The other finished. They all looked at me. I rolled my eyes "To the core I guess."

They laughed. It felt good to hear it again

"Let's go to Auradon Y/N," Jay said and smiled at me.


We parked the car and got out. I looked up at the castle in awe. I couldn't blame them for wanting to stay here. But I can blame them for leaving me on the wretched Isle.  I looked around and then jumped when I heard the car lock sound. I looked for the boys to find them looking at me concerned.

"Y/n why'd you jump," Carlos asked. I couldn't tell them the truth. "Pshh the sound was loud and I'm right next to the car," I said nervously. "No, you're not Y/n you're like 3 feet away". Jay said. "can we go please we have a King to save". I said trying to change the subject. 

They gave each other a look and nodded. We walked to the dorms and they opened the door to find a weird boy there. "Chad!" Carlos exclaimed. "Oh Hey, guys, " He said. Carlos and Jay walked right past him. I walked to Carlos' bed. I zoned out for a bit until I heard a door slam. I looked up to see the boy gone and Carlos and Jay sit down in front of the weird light thingy.

"You guys should sleep" I recommended. "Why so you can steal the wand?" Jay said jokingly. Probably didn't realize how it affected me. "N-no you guys just been up for a while but never mind," I said sitting up from the bed and playing with my fingers.

Jay looked like he felt bad. Carlos didn't say anything but looked down. 


Carlos' POV:

Y/n was awake but Jay was still sleeping. I was still in the same spot until I heard singing. I realized the angelic voice was Y/n's

You must think that I'm stupid
You must think that I'm a fool
You must think that I'm new to this
But I have seen this all beforeI'm never gonna let you close to me
Even though you mean the most to me
'Cause every time I open up, it hurts
So I'm never gonna get too close to you
Even when I mean the most to you
In case you go and leave me in the dirtBut every time you hurt me, the less that I cry
And every time you leave me, the quicker these tears dry
And every time you walk out, the less I love you
Baby, we don't stand a chance, it's sad but it's trueI'm way too good at goodbyes
(I'm way too good at goodbyes)
I'm way too good at goodbyes
(I'm way too good at goodbyes)I know you're thinkin' I'm heartless
I know you're thinkin' I'm cold
I'm just protectin' my innocence
I'm just protectin' my soulI'm never gonna let you close to me
Even though you mean the most to me
'Cause every time I open up, it hurts
So I'm never gonna get too close to you
Even when I mean the most to you
In case you go and leave me in the dirtBut every time you hurt me, the less that I cry
And every time you leave me, the quicker these tears dry
And every time you walk out, the less I love you
Baby, we don't stand a chance, it's sad but it's trueI'm way too good at goodbyes
(I'm way too good at goodbyes)
I'm way too good at goodbyes
(I'm way too good at goodbyes)
No way that you'll see me cry
(No way that you'll see me cry)
I'm way too good at goodbyes
(I'm way too good at goodbyes)No
No, no, no, no, no (I'm way too good at goodbyes)
No, no, no, no
No, no, no (I'm way too good at goodbyes)
(No way that you'll see me cry)
Ah-ah-ah (I'm way too good at goodbyes)'Cause every time you hurt me, the less that I cry
And every time you leave me, the quicker these tears dry
And every time you walk out, the less I love you
Baby, we don't stand a chance, it's sad but it's true
I'm way too good at goodbyes

"Y/N?" I asked.

"Yeah?"She responded

"I'm really sorry"

"Carlos please do-"

"No I need to. I promised you. And it took 6 months. But y/n I promise I never forgot about you. I promise I talked about you. I made sure you wear known as if you were with us. Y/n I loved you and still do."

I heard her breath hitch. I looked down. "I just wanted to say thank you and I'm sorry goodnight". I said going back to sleep


"Wake up man" I felt Jay tapping me. We saw the wand was done. I took it out and we looked at it in awe. "Alright man let's go," Jay said grabbing some stuff to go. "wait what about y/n," I asked. We both looked over at her. She looked beautiful asleep and comfortable. "Mal and Evie already have her stuff." He said. I kept looking at her. "Don't worry she's safe now" Jay said with his hand on my shoulder. I nodded"yeah she is. Let's go".

And with that, we left.


I woke up and Carlos nor Jay was there. I started to panic. Where did they go? Did they leave me again? What happened? Am I dead? Why is the room pink? "Hey, Hey, Hey it's okay y/n you're safe now," Carlos said. I looked around the room and saw the VK's Ben and a boy with glasses. Carlos saw me looking at the boy and frowned at me.

"No you're not going back y/n," He said with his hand on my cheek moving my head to look at him. "Yeah you're safe with us," Evie said. "We won't leave again," said Jay. " The whole situation was handled," Mal said. I looked at them in shock. "You're real? I'm really okay. It wasn't a dream. I'm safe" I said realizing I'm safe now.

Then suddenly a girl with a blue dress walked in. She saw me "Oh hi I'm Jane" I smiled and responded "Y/n" "It's so nice to meet you and your eyes are really pretty omg" I laughed "O-oh thank you I love you hair" She smiled "Oh thank you" She then turned to Ben and Mal. "It's Cotilion time you guys have to get ready." She then turned back to me" It was so nice to meet you bye" "Bye" I said back. I then looked at everyone. "Cotilion?"

The boys looked at Evie. "We have your dress ready, Doug can you please deliver these dresses while I help out y/n. " Evie said. "Of course see you later" He kissed her cheek then left. "Welcome to Auradon Y/n" Ben said then left. Mal hugged me"I'm so sorry I'm so happy to have you with us again" She smiled at me then left. Jay hugged me and said" You're safe and if you ever feel out of control don't pull a Mal come to one of us we will help" "Okay". He smiled then left.

"Can we have a few minutes?" Carlos said to Evie. She nodded then left. He turned to me and sat next to me on the bed. "Are you okay? Do you feel safe? Do you need like a cushion or som-" I cut him off "Carlos I'm fine I promise". "Y/n will you be my date to Cotilion and if you don't hate me by the end of the night my girlfriend?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. I then asked

" Whats cotilion and a girlfriend?" He laughed and looked back up at me. "You'll figure out about Cotilion later. But a girlfriend is someone who has a boyfriend. they are called a couple and they kiss and hold hands and go on dates. They also wear matching outfits" He explained. "Why can't I be your girlfriend now?"

"Do you want to be my girlfriend now?" He asked. I nodded. "Kiss is like a true love kiss right?" I asked. "Yes y/n" He laughed again. I then leaned in and gave him a kiss. "Aww," We heard. We turned and saw the Vk's in the doorway. "Oh shoot they heard us" They closed the door. We laughed then kissed again.

Time to get ready for Cotilion.

A/n: Hope you guys enjoyed it. Carlos and Y/n are finally together. Now let the love begin. Too bad my love life cant be like theirs. Y/n is finally safe.

1500 words

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