Confronted (18)

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After the fight with Togata, I ended up in the nurse's office. I heard from Kyoka that Kacchan helped carry me there. I was soon able to leave and head back to the dorms.

"So, how was the rest of class? Did you learn anything else about the work study's?" I looked down at Kyoka who was helping me down the hall.

"Yeah, we can help the heroes more now that we got our provisional license. Unlike you and two others in our class, you three have to do extra classes. Not to mention your rehabilitation."

I gave a sigh. I had to do a lot more work than others just to catch up and prove that I can be a hero.

"If only life weren't so damn hard." I grunted as I laid my head on Kyoka's. She only giggled.

"Well life sucks, we gotta deal with that sometimes."

We were both about to head outside to the dorms, but we were stopped when a voice called out to us.

"Young Midoriya! Could you accompany me to my office?"

Both me and Kyoka turned to see the rat known as our principal.

"Um...why should I come with? And if it is about me, Kyoka deserves to know as well." I said, latching on to Kyoka more than normal for me, which is saying something.

"Yes, yes of course! Both of you come quickly!" Nezu said before turning around and scurrying away towards his office.

"I wonder what he wants to do with me." I muttered out loud.

"It shouldn't be too bad, as long as he doesn't take you away from me."

"You are right, Darling~"

-Smol Time Skip to Nezu's Office-

As we both sat down in front of Nezu, I noticed a tall man in a brown coat in the corner.

"Ah, both of you don't mind him. This is detective Tsukauchi! He is here to evaluate some answers you give today to see if my hunch is correct!" Ah, I thought he looked familiar.

I just sigh in defeat and nod for Nezu to ask away.

"Do you truly intend to become a hero? If so, why?"

"Great, this sounds like an exam prompt." I sigh as I begin to say my answer, "Well, to answer you, I want to be a hero to protect Kyoka, and that is my intention. If I cannot protect her by being a hero, I will be a vigilante to make sure she is safe."

Nezu merely nodded, looking over to the detective who nodded back.

"Good, now them, Midoriya, if you had to do it all over again, killing those people, would you?"

Damnit, he is trying to get me to fess up isn't he. I know that damn rat too well, but that man's quirk complicates things, best to answer it honestly to get out of as much trouble as possible.

"Yes I would, how else would I be at Kyoka's side right now with both of us happy together?" I looked to Kyoka to see she was again a nervous, blushing tomato. Classic Kyoka.

After checking for another nod from the detective, Nezu once again responded. "Great to hear! With me and Tsukauchi here as two witnesses, and Aizawa up in the vents as a third, I can declare this as the conclusion of an official interrogation and mental assesment!"

At this, Kyoka spoke up, "Wait...Aizawa?" and in response a low thud sounded from behind us.

"Damnit, I need to go back on those juice pouches, well, you heard him Problem Children." said our teacher as he promptly fell asleep in a newly materialized sleeping bag.

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