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It was finally the start of their draining semester with exams every week and Yeosang was stressed. Yeosang is a full scholar in their school while Wooyoung submitted his form late and didn't get the opportunity to be a scholar. Yeosang kept on nagging him about it before and if he could manage his paperworks, he would have but this one needed Wooyoung's signature presence. When Wooyoung told him he forgot about it on the last day and they ran to the campus, it was already too late and Wooyoung got scolded by Yeosang then.

"We have a long quiz next week?" Wooyoung asked and looked at Yunho. Their classes just finished and they all gathered at Yeosang and San's place at the back.

"You obviously weren't listening" Yeosang teased.

"Yup, all of the topics we've discussed so far until the most recent one" San answered and gathered his things, "Sorry guys, I'll have to leave first. Another furniture delivery will come today"

"Bye San!!" They all said and waved at him.

"Ugh first quiz. Let's all study together?" Yunho asked and looked at Yeosang.

"Yes please, I can't study being stuck with Woo at the dorm" Yeosang chuckled.

"Hey!!! I'm a great study buddy what you saying" Wooyoung pouted, "but let's study together today"

"Okay that's settled then" Yunho got up and grabbed Mingi's hand, "we'll meet you at the library at 5?"

"Sure" Wooyoung said with a thumbs up and Yeosang nodding.

"Wait you didn't even ask me if I wanted to?" Mingi protested.

"We're obviously a package babe" Yunho said as they left.

"Those two really" Wooyoung uttered and laughed.

"Let's eat and then head to the library?" Yeosang suggested and placed his belongings in his backpack.


The 4 of them have their frequent study sessions together but usually end early because they have to go back home to their dorms and prepare for the next day. Yeosang worked the hardest even when it was still next week since he had grades to maintain and it was hard for him to juggle with other subjects too. He had been continuously studying really hard for a week already as their quizzes piled up.

"I can't believe they gave us another quiz after we just finished one. I'm disliking this subject" Wooyoung ranted, sitting at the empty chair beside Yeosang's desk.

"I know, I was glad we finished with one but another is added. We have 4 quizzes for the week" Yeosang sighed and gathered his belongings, placing them in his bag.

"Let's get takeouts and go home? So you can study earlier?" Wooyoung got up.

"Yeah, that'll be great. Thank you Woo" Yeosang smiled, a small blush visible on his cheeks.

Wooyoung and Yeosang bought takeout at the store across from their dorm and immediately went home. It was still around 6pm but Yeosang already started studying without even taking a rest when they just came home from school. He brought his dinner inside his room and quickly ate it while he studied. He set up his study schedule with only a 5 minute break in between them all.

"Okay 2 hours for this subject and then next" Yeosang murmured to himself and set the timer.

"I can't afford a long break, this is so stressful. You can do this Yeo!!" Yeosang encouraged himself, lightly tapping his cheeks and began studying.

Wooyoung cleaned up their kitchen which was a mess before they went to school. He also had dinner alone since Yeosang hurriedly went to his room. Wooyoung only sighed since he knew Yeosang wouldn't listen to whatever he said especially with regards to his studies and the only thing he can do is to support him.

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