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It's been days since Yeosang hasn't talked to Wooyoung. Wooyoung tried to talk to Yeosang on that day itself but he never left his room until the next day and when he would try and find a way to be able to talk to him, Yeosang would ignore him or find something else to be busy with. Wooyoung wasn't that dumb to not get the hint that Yeosang didn't want to talk to him so he decided to give his best friend space until he feels better and would finally want to talk to him.

"Hey, Yunho" Wooyoung called and leaned back on the couch.

"Hey Woo, he's still not talking to you?" Yunho asked on the other line.

"Nope. It's been 3 days" Wooyoung sighed.

"If it's both of you I'm sure you'll eventually be fine. Knowing Yeo, he never stays angry for long especially with you but for now, you can give him space and wait until he comes to you" Yunho advised.

"You're right, I should be more patient. Thank you Yunho" Wooyoung took a deep sigh and ended the call.

At the exact moment, the door to their room opened. Yeosang didn't spare him a glance and went directly to his room. It seemed to be a petty move but Yeosang didn't want to talk to him yet and Wooyoung couldn't do anything but wait and do what he usually does for Yeosang without bothering him.

Yeosang thought to himself the next day if he should talk to Wooyoung already and patch things up but he also felt like he shouldn't yet. He thought to himself that he should make up with Wooyoung when he feels better.

Yeosang left his room when the door clicked and he was sure that Wooyoung went to school already. He didn't want to go through the whole awkward silence of going to school together or even having breakfast when they weren't still okay. He already planned to make himself a sandwich and leave but he saw pancakes and iced coffee on the kitchen counter.

"Woo.." Yeosang whispered as he took the note beside the plate.

Hi Yeo, I made pancakes. Eat them before you leave for class please, I know you can't resist pancakes. Bring the umbrella with you and don't forget the key to our dorm. Take care. I'll be waiting...
- Wooyoungie

"You're so unfair" Yeosang mumbled to himself and sighed, "you always know my weakness"

Yeosang missed his best friend a lot but this wasn't something that he should be easily forgiven with. He wanted Wooyoung to realize his mistake and Yeosang also wanted some space for himself without him for now. After eating the pancakes and cleaning up, Yeosang left for school.

"Hey Sangie!!" San waved at Yeosang near the gate.

"Hi" Yeosang smiled but didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Are you okay?" San asked, worry etched on his face.

"Yeah yeah I'm okay" Yeosang looked away and walked ahead.

"Are you sure? You know you can always tell me anything"

"Hm maybe later" Yeosang smiled and made eye contact with him this time that eased a little bit of San's worry.

"Okay!! Let's have some ice cream later" San excitedly said and talked about a bunch of things to Yeosang while Yeosang had his head on the clouds.

"Let's also go to that newly placed claw machine near the ice cream store" San added.

"Okay, I'll probably go home by myself today so after class?" Yeosang smiled faintly.

"Anytime" San said, the corners of his mouth turned up.

It was incredibly unusual for Wooyoung and Yeosang not to be together that almost everyone who knew how close they were, already felt that there was tension. They avoided each other. Yeosang was with San most of the time since Yunho and Mingi were busy with club. And Wooyoung was with his friends that Yeosang never liked.

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