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San looked out the window and just let his mind fly away with Yeosang in his mind, just absentmindedly hoping that he was okay and happy wherever he was when there was a faint knock on his door. San snapped out of his thoughts and waited for another knock since he thought his mind was just playing tricks on him. Another knock came and this time San stood up and quickly went for the door.

"Sangie?? You're soaked!! Get inside, I'll get some towels for you" San looked at him surprised and was about to get some towels for Yeosang to dry off when Yeosang held his wrist and stopped him from leaving.

"Weren't you with Woo? What happened?" San asked, concerned and at the same time surprised. He took Yeosang's hand and led him to the couch. He wiped him with the towel gently and waited. Yeosang didn't say anything ever since he came and just looked down, gripping the towel that San gave to him tightly.

San looked at Yeosang's hands and placed his on top, "Sangie? Do you want some hot choco?"

Yeosang burst into tears all of a sudden, crying his heart out. San didn't know what to do but he just wrapped his arms around Yeosang and allowed him to cry as much as he wanted. He didn't say anything and rubbed his back comfortably up and down. Yeosang weeped that his sobs were the only thing resounding inside the room.

"It's okay, I'm here" San repeatedly said and lightly stroked Yeosang's head.

Yeosang just kept on crying until he couldn't anymore. He let himself be comforted by San and leaned on him as he calmed himself down. San pulled Yeosang closer to him and placed his head on top of Yeosang's, cuddling him to make him warm and feel safe. They stayed like that for a few minutes, just their breathing and Yeosang's snuffles were the only things that could be heard from the silence.

Yeosang took a deep sigh and adjusted himself to face San, "I feel better now"

"That's good to know," San smiled softly and tucked Yeosang's loose strand of hair behind his ear, "so hot choco?"

Yeosang smiled gently, his eyes puffy, and nodded. He wiped his tears using the towel that San gave to him and took a deep breath.

"Can I wash my face?" Yeosang asked.

"Sure, and change your clothes. You can take any from my closet" San replied while he made them both a hot cocoa with marshmallows on top.

Yeosang went to change his clothes and wash his face. He was soaking wet when he arrived but now he was almost all dry after crying for almost an hour and with the help of San too. He looked at himself in the mirror and noticed how puffy his eyes were after crying that much. Yeosang did his best to appear decent and went out.

"Warm yourself up" San gave him the hot cocoa and moved to the heater, "is it warm enough?"

"Yes, it's okay. Thank you Sannie" Yeosang took a sip and instantly warmed up. San placed a blanket around him and sat beside him.

"I placed some extra marshmallows on it" San grinned.

"I noticed," Yeosang giggled faintly, "um San, the thing is-"

"You know you don't have to immediately tell me what happened okay? Tell me when you feel like talking about it. I'll be here" San assured him and sipped on his own hot cocoa.

Yeosang was about to cry once again but stopped himself, "it's okay. I think I can tell you"

"Okay if that's what you want, I'm all ears" San gave him a reassuring smile and looked at him, ready to listen.

"I have been in love with Wooyoung for as long as I can remember. He was the first person who had accepted me for what I am and he was someone who had always felt like a safe place" San held Yeosang's hand encouragingly and let him continue even though his heart was breaking for Yeosang.

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