Rengoku x reader (fluff?)

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It was the middle of the night, you were still waiting for your lover to come back home, ever since he became the flame hashira he hasn't been spending time with you for a while, You understand why he doesn't have much time to spend with you but it only made you yearn for his attention

You knew he wouldn't come home at this hour because his job usually starts at dawn, you sighed and went to the window beside your bed, you stared at the moon admiring it on how bright and beautiful it is, "if only kyojuro was here"you sighed and closed the window and went down to the kitchen and drank some water and suddenly you heard your front door open

Your eyes sparkled after you saw who it was, it was your lover rengoku kyojuro, " Ah y/n your still awa-" You cut him off and and hugged him tightly "I missed you so much" You said while you felt tears coming from your cheeks, well what do you expect? He was gone for 5 days who knows on what could have happened to him

You felt his hands Carresing your cheeks " Shhhhh I'm here now don't cry" He said while looking at your beautiful glimmering (e/c) eyes, he hugged you tightly and so did you, "you should get some rest it's already midnight you need some sleep" He said while smilling and wiped your tears, you nodded as a response and then he carried you to the bedroom, he covered you up on a blanket and kissed your fore head "I'm going to change I'll be right back" He said and walked away

Few minutes later he came back wearing a white t shirt and some black pants, he laid down with you and then you hugged him and burried your face into his chest "I missed you" You said with a sad tone "I missed you to, don't worry I'm gonna stay here for a few days since ubuyashiki-san told me to rest for a few days and spend some time with you" He Said, "Reallyyy????" You asked him while looking at him with your sparkling (e/c) eyes, "yes really" He said and gave off a warm smile

"I love you"

"I love you to" He said and kissed your fore head and then you both went to sleep


Hi author here, this is my first time making this I hope I did well ^^


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