Giyuu x Reader[ Kitsueki](angst)

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Author here, please feel free to request some ideas😌





Author POV:

Youve had a crush on the water pillar for a long time now and you have already confessed to him few months ago but he said it would just be a waste of time and turned around and left, you felt tears over your cheek but you didn't give up, you decided you wanted a clearer response from him, you annoyed him for the past few days asking him to let you live on his estate, you told him that you wanted to help him or make him breakfast and take care of him

This went on for about a month and then he gave up and then gave you permission to move in

It has been 5 months since you lived with him, you always took care of him, you helped him take care of his scars and cuts from battle and would often make him food in the morning, but of course you can't do it every day since you are also a pillar, which means you don't really cook him some food or take care of him everyday but you still try your best.

Present timeline:

It was 6 am in the morning you prepared breakfast for giyuu, you started cutting the vegetables for the side dish and you grilled some raw fish, you made some steamed rice on the time being..

An hour has passed and everything was set, the table was ready and so was the food, as you were about to call giyuu for breakfast he was already awake, "Giyuu your already awake, good morning!" you said with a big smile on your face "have a seat" you said with a happy face, he just ignored you, he sat down on the mat, "Itadakimas" he said with no facial expression at all..

You both started eating, silence filled the room but not to long, you quickly broke the silence by asking him some questions "how have you been feeling?, how was your last mission??, how did it go??? " questions filled up your mouth " it was okay" he stood up and went outside..

It kind of made you feel upset but you didn't mind, it wasn't any different from the other days, you stood up and washed the utensils and bowls that was used, suddenly you felt a bit dizzy your eyes blurred out a bit and then you felt like you were gonna throw up

You didn't make it in time to the bathroom so you accidentally threw up on the floor, you gasp out of shock from the bood dripping from your mouth, it kept going until your throat felt dry from the blood, you enhaled and started wiping your mouth with your hands you went to the sink to wash your hands

You took a bucket of water and some few towels to clean up the blood, after you finished you took out the the towels that was soaked with bloods and took it outside, you washed them up and hanged them to dry

You were scared on why you suddenly threw up blood but you decided to think of it as a side effect while battling some demons, weeks have passed and you still threw up blood every morning you didn't get much sleep, you started to lose your voice and you also lost your appetite during the morning so you usually skip but your afraid giyuu would think of it suspiciously so you forced your self to eat sometimes, you started to think it was weird so you decided to go to a doctor later afternoon,

You were eating breakfast with giyuu and then he suddenly noticed that you haven't asked him questions at all

"Hm, you seem a bit skinnier today and your eye bags have spread" giyuu asked as he tilted his head

"O-oh yeah i-i was just busy with some stuff hehe" you stuttered thinking he would find out

"Okay then.. " he walked out and started his day, you knew you couldn't skip your duties as a pillar anymore but you asked ubuyashiki sama to extend your break for at least a day, he agreed but he said it was the last time

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