☁️Akaza x Marechi Fem! Reader ☁️

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Akaza x marechi! fem! Reader

I had no idea what marechi meant so I had to search it up. So some things might be incorrect. Akaza might be OOC since I don't really pay attention to him and I don't know his full personality 💀

Ye that's all

Warning: contains the mention of blood, injuries. 

Words: 1109

Requester: @LightLeak


3rd person POV:

Y/n was gathering woods in the forest until she gets lost. It was already starting to get dark and started to get worried. Then it became cold. It was snowing a lot and all she was wearing was a kimono that wasn't enough to keep herself warm.

 She managed to make a campfire on the ground which made her warm. Starting to get worried but then a sudden russle was heard in a near bush. She was startled. There it was revealed a wolf who had it's saliva dripping down from its fangs. Obviously hungry. Finally found it's prey after a few hours of search. 

It was already dark at this point. Y/n starts to slowly get away from the wolf and run. But unfortunately for her she tripped. The wolf jumped on her and tried to bite off her head but thankfully she managed the stop it but in return he arm was bitten when she tried to cover her head. The wolf attacked again and bit her left waist. She yelled for help but it was pointless

She managed to kicked the wolf and grabbed a nearby hard wood and hit the wolf hard. Her right arm and waist was dripping with blood which was dangerous. As her family bared off the marechi blood line which could easily attract demons with its delicious scent.

The wolf who admitted it's defeat ran away to the woods of darkness. 

She then quickly ripped off a piece of her kimono and wrapped it around her bleeding and injured hand. 

She's now in a tight situation which meant danger to her life. All she could do right now was run away and hide and hope there wasnt a demon nearby. 

She walked back to her campfire that had already died down. She sat down on the ground. It was already impossible for her to survive at this state. As her breathing went heavy another russle was heard from one of the bushes yet again. 

She stood up and held the stick in front of her preparing for any attack. Then something tall came out of the bush. A person? 

The man was atleast 5 feet and 8 inches tall. The moon light shined through his bright pink colored hair. His skin was nothing like a human's skin color. He had blue stripes covered on his face and his chest. And he looked at y/n in the eye. His bright yellow eyes gave y/n shivers down her spine and then she noticed the letters on his eyes. "Upper rank 3" she knew it was gonna be the end of her. 

"Who are you!? And what do you want!? " yn shouted

"Damn it... It's a girl... "

"W-what do you mean by that!? " y/n yet again shouted nervous and scared on what was about to come. 

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