☔Giyuu Tomioka x Reader☔

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[i posted this same fanfic in my other oneshot book but it didnt seem like it was getting any reads so yeee, i did say this book was completed but nvm! ill be posting here ds oneshots again and also post in my other book]

woah. i was gone for like- months and havent updated my novel at all bc i suck :)
i have drafts thats a year old or smth so uhm goodluck to me.

ANYWAYS, i got inspired from my old giyuu x reader angst so now im making another angst. i hope u guys cry😞


Giyuu Tomioka x Fem!Reader!

Cautions: May have typos and bad grammar and also cuss words. i

Words: 3,097

Y/n's POV;

"ugh.... my head is spinning..it hurts" i said as i sat up wincing in pain.

"where the hell am i?" i said as i looked around. I was in the woods in the middle of the night for some reason?
wait wait wait. hold on. how did i get here? i dont remember anything at all damn it.

Okay. i need to recall myself first. My name is Y/n L/n. Born in #, 20 years old and a medical student. Yeah okay i pretty much still remember who i am. but i dont remember what happened before i woke up.

"Damn it. what am i gonna do now" i said as i stood up from the ground. i was suddenly startled when i heard a rustle behind me.

"Okay whatever or whoever you are. show yourself! im not afraid!" i said. obviously scared as i took a nearby branch

"feisty one arent ya'?" A creepy voice suddenly spoke and a big figure merged in the bush.

"holy shit- what the fuck are you!?" i stared at it horrified. That shit looks like a goddamn demon. shit. has satan finally decided to take me and sent his underlings to escort me!? Y/N NOWS NOT THE TIME TO BE JOKING REALLY.

"What the hell are you!?" i asked as my voice cracked.

"Im a demon. Though, you look... weird.. whats up with those clothes human?" the demon asked.

"demon!? those shits exist!?" I yelled. i didnt know what to do. I couldnt believe the situation either. a demon? hah! Thats bullshit. should i make a run for it? but running is probably useless. its big enough to catch up with me and i dont know where i am either.

"enough with the talk im starving" the demon cried out as it extended its hand to grab me

"FUCK RUN" i ran on instinct. and as i thought, the demon itself was also fast. "SOMEONE. PLEASE. HELP ME!-" i yelped. i started to cry knowing ill probably not escape this crappy thing.

suddenly, the demon managed to catch me. when i said it was big. i actually meant huge. its hand was big enough to wrap its finger around me.

"N-no!" i cried out. i struggled to get it off of me. "please! someone! help me!" i started to sob

"itadakima-" the demon was cut off. in a split second, its hand was cut in half letting me break free from its grasp. It started to yell in pain but in a fast speed, it suddenly got its head cut off. It was beheaded.

i sat there on the ground speechless. i had a few scratches on me but i couldnt feel anything. i was still scared on what just happened.

"are you okay?" a cold and stern voice suddenly spoke. a man with long black hair suddenly came out of the dark. He has blue eyes comparable to the ocean. my eyes widened. hold on... what the hell?? isnt that... TOMIOKA GIYUU!? WHAT THE-

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