☁️Modern/Teacher Giyuu Tomioka x Reader ☁️

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Note: This story was from my drafts that i didnt finish and it has been there for awhile. like a few months or so- anyways. i have forgotten the original plot so im just gonna make whatever- OMG WHAT A MIRACLE! I POSTED 2 ONE SHOTS IN ONE DAY!? :0

(This plot and idea was made by me btw it wasnt a request)

Modern/PE Teacher Giyuu Au

Architect Y/n

*A lot of time skips*

To avoid confusion:

Y/n and Tomioka have been dating for a few months.

Words: 1259

•First Person POV/ Y/n POV


12:49 Pm

"My work pile has finally decreased, I can just give the rest of the touch ups to Kamari-Chan.. Work can be really stressful ughh" I said as I stood up from my desk and took a deep breath.

We haven't seen nor talked to each other for awhile.. I wonder if he misses me-

A sudden blush on my face appeared the moment I thought of that.
Maybe I should give him a call hehe
I reached for my phone as I looked for his number and dialed it.... He wasn't picking up..

"I'm guessing he's busy. Well it's 12 pm afterall-" I said as I sighed..

I should give him a visit and ask him to hang out, im having a lack of Tomioka :')

As I was deep in thought my stomach rumbled as it was demanding for food
Maybe I should get lunch first.

I grabbed my bag and headed outside of my office

"Maybe I should buy something on the way for him?"


It was 1:37 pm, I finished eating lunch and giving some thoughts on what to do. I was currently waiting for the train to arrive as I was planning on going back to my apartment

I have a 2 days off, I could spend more time with him in this time limit

I thought to myself as I was getting excited. But since it's only 1 pm, he's probably busy with work, maybe I should just visit him at 4pm. A few minutes later the train arrived.

As soon as the door opened, I walked inside the train and sat on one of the empty seats

I was scrolling through LifeBook (Facebook :')   to past the time, as I felt like someone was staring at me, I looked up to see one of Giyuu's student's, he was standing holding on one of the handles as there was no more available seats, he was right beside me

I didn't notice him at first, I guess I was too busy to think about my surroundings.. 

He got embarrased as he was caught staring at a lady

The boy had a burgundy hair color and had a red scar on his forehead

"Ah-, I'm sorry for staring miss" he said as he was scratching the back of his head

"Ah-, it's fine.. You are one of Tomioka's students right? "

"Yes.. I am, No wonder you looked familiar, you're Tomioka-san's girlfriend right? "

The thought of it made me blush a little

"Yes I am.. " I said with a warm smile

"Ah-, I forgot t introduce myself, excuse my rudeness. My name is Kamado Tanjiro" he said with such a cheerful smile.

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