Chapter 13

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TW: Mentions of Sexual Assault

The usual routine for the Havens. But all~ of the siblings never saw the oldest one this gloomy, confused, worry, and disappointment. Hell, this is one of the worst states he has been in.

You can see litteral spirals and question marks above his head. The eye bags under his eyes are even darker, so he definitely didn't sleep the whole night. Again.

"Yo, what's up with emo bitch over there?" The only girl sibling whispered behind him.

"We.. actually pushed him to a mouth-to-mouth romantic shit with... strawberry boy next door..." Jay scratched his head.

"Bro what the fuck."

"I'm guessing that's the reason why y'all got hanged upside down from the chandelier?" The gender-neutral sibling said while they barfed down food down their mouth.

"Maybe...?" July and June said at the same time and their sweatdropped.

"And your grounded for how many weeks?" Tera asked as she sipped on her orange juice for the morning.

"3 weeks." June and July kept their conversation going with Kor, and Tera while Jay and Kai kept quiet the whole time. Kai honestly wasn't pissed that much because he was grateful that he did that.

But then again, he did kiss Saiki with no consent, and that might be sexual assault, so he is gonna apologize when they meet. He felt no right to enjoy that accidental kiss.

"I might and will get arrested by the police for sexual assault, Jay," Kai said out of nowhere which stopped their conversation.

"If Saiki reported me to the police, I would've been arrested today or even yesterday." Kai continued, which made Jay realize his mistake.

"...." Everyone kept quiet, no one continued to eat as he packed everyone's lunches.

Kai's black Bento Box, gray box for Jay, Kor has yellow, Tera has purple, June and July has blue and red, any of the 2 can have one of each.

"Hurry up and get your lunches here, I'll go and apologize to Saiki. Hopefully, he hasn't reported me yet." Kai took his Bento Box and placed it inside his bag, putting his blazer on.

Hooking the bag on his shoulder, he opens the door and closes it after, signifying that he left the house.

"I think we have to apologize properly later..." July said, finally continuing to eat.

"Bro that is a 'you' thing, don't involve us."


The boy waiting outside the gates of the Saiki residence. After a few minutes of waiting, the strawberry boy finally comes out.

"Hey, uh, I'm sorry about yesterday, I really hope you didn't report—" the scarred boy was cut off with the shorter boy pulling his necktie, making him lean forward onto his lips.


The psychic pulled him down to his level by his collar to kiss him again to confirm his theory about himself.

And it was right. He did like the kiss.

The kiss was a little bit shorter than the one from yesterday, but it was enough to make his stomach full of butterflies.

"O-Oh ok!~—" the black-haired boy started to stutter on his words until he gave up on having faith in his words and went for another kiss. This kiss was different than the other 2 they had, it was passionate –yet rough–.

After breaking apart with a few short breaths coming from the second years, it confirmed it.

'here it goes...'


"I'm apologize for sexually assaulting you, and for my brothers' behaviours!"

"... I- I forgive you.."

'He thinks he sexually assaulted me? ... I'll tell him a different time I guess...'

769 words
Drafted: Oct 30 2021
Edited: Nov 28
Published: Nov 20

(I'm running out of chapters to publish, will have to watch more Saiki K again and draft some. This isn't the best ending but what do you guys think? Was the plot twist good? Idk man)

"Sexual assault is an act in which one intentionally sexually touches another person without that person's consent, or coerces or physically forces a person to engage in a sexual act against their will. [1] It is a form of sexual violence, which includes child sexual abuse, groping, rape (forced vaginal, anal, or oral penetration or a drug facilitated sexual assault), or the torture of the person in a sexual manner." -Wikipedia

Now, it was an intentional force of sexual contact by the person who initiated and made the plan, which makes Jay and the twins liable. It didn't involve Kai's consent nor Saiki's consent in this plan, therefor, it is their fault .Sorry for some confusion lol. (Idk if that makes sense to anyone, feel free to correct me)

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