New to me

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Ariana POV

"Ari you are coming out with me tonight. You no longer have a choice." Scott says firmly.

I roll my eyes. "Why though? You know I don't like clubs."

"Because you need to get laid. You've been a complete terror since you and Ricky split up." He states.

I scoff. "You do realize we're at work and I am still your boss right?"

"I may be an assistant, but that's just my side job. My main job is being your best friend. Do you want a friend that just kisses your ass, or do you want one who pushes you to be better? Don't' make me call Courtney." He threatens.

"Ugh fine. How long do I have to stay?" I say giving in.

"You have to stay out at least an hour. If this club is a dud, then we'll go crash at your place. Deal?" he says extending his hand.

"Deal." I shake his hand.

"Great now let's fix your look." He says eyeing me.

"What's wrong with my look?!" I say faking offense.

"Honey, everything. You can't go to a club in a pantsuit."

He grabs my arm and drags me to his car then drives to my penthouse apartment. I'm currently sitting on my bed watching my once organized closet be ripped apart. Clothes are flying everywhere, I honestly might need a helmet if he starts throwing shoes.

"Ok, I think I have figured out the perfect outfit. I'll just need to make some alterations."

I really don't like that look in his eye. "Scott, why are you holding a black ballgown? I thought we were going to the club."

"Just put this on and trust the process."

I put it on and he starts coming at me with scissors. I wish I could say it was the first time, but that's a story for another day. After what felt like an hour, he was finally done. I walked to my full length mirror and was stunned.

"Scott! It's amazing!" I exclaim. He tailored the dress so now its short, form fitting, and has peek-a-boo holes on the sides.

"Did you expect anything less?" he says cockily.

"Let's get this over with." I say unamused.

We ordered a driver to the club so we wouldn't have to deal with parking and can drink. I had a booth reserved for us and that's where I plan to stay. I take my seat and am immediately pulled back to my feet by Scott and dragged to the dance floor.

"Let loose Ari!" he yells over the music.

Honestly this playlist isn't that bad. 'Facts' by Chantel Jeffries came on. How could I resist one dance to this?! I started dancing and grinding by myself. Then I felt hands on my sides moving with me. I grinded harder and reached behind so my hand was on the back of their neck.

I felt them lean down and whisper "You wanna get outta here?" I nod my head. I can't believe I'm about to leave with someone I don't even know the name of! She spins me around and I swear my heart stopped. She's gorgeous. Her dark hair in a messy bun, she stood about 5'10, piercing blue eyes, and that leather jacket... my weakness.

I look around scanning the crowd for Scott. I see him grinning from ear to ear at me and this stranger. We leave the club and I see a sexy Ducati I'm guessing is hers. Sure enough it is. She handed me a helmet and was about to get on the bike when I stopped her.

"Wait, I don't even know your name. You could be a murderer."

"Oh right... I'm Y/n, but everyone calls me Alex. Sorry, I don't usually do this." She says motioning between us.

"Um, I'm Ariana. I don't usually do this either." I say giggling.

She tugs on her ear, I'm guessing it's a nervous habit. "If you don't want to, I can drive you home at least." She says looking down.

I shake my head and she looks defeated. "Baby, I don't want you to take me home, I want you to take me to bed." I bring her down to my level and smash our lips together. She gets jittery and we jump on her bike.

We arrive at her townhome, I wait until she unlocks the door before I attach our lips again. She sits on the edge of her bed and I straddle her. God I'm so turned on right now. I need friction ASAP! I start rolling my hips as her hands make their way to my ass. She squeezes gently eliciting a moan from me. As I grind harder to relieve my tension I feel something poking me. Her phone maybe? I stop moving and unattached our lips.

"Baby, your phone is poking me." I say.

She gets noticeably nervous and tugs her ear again. "Um, there's nothing in my pocket..."

I look down and notice the bulge in her crotch. Is it a strap? It looks huge! "I-I'm intersex, which means I'm a female with the opposite parts." She says looking ashamed.

I raise her head so she's looking at me. "Y/n, that doesn't bother me. Don't ever be ashamed of who you are. I know we don't know each other well yet, but from what I see, you're pretty amazing."

She blushes and kisses me softly. "Great! Now that that's settled... I want you to fuck me." I husked in her ear. I felt her shiver. She grabbed my waist and flipped me on my back so she was on top. I reached out to undo her jeans, but she grabbed my wrists and put them above my head. She shook her head "I'm in control now baby girl."

I nod and watched as she took her pants off and pulled off my dress. We were now completely naked and oh my god she looked bigger than anything I had ever taken before. She saw the look on my face and followed my eyes to her hard member, then looked back at me and chuckled. She stroked herself and flicked my clit a few times. "Please." I beg.

"Please what baby?" she said smirking.

"Put it in me. I'm ready." I plead.

She lines up and slowly pushes inch by inch into my wet hole. Once she's fully in I hear her grunting at the feeling. I nod my head telling her to move. She starts her thrusts "Mmm. Fuck baby, you're so tight." She says with her eyes squeezed shut.

"Faster baby please." I moan. She does just that. She grips my hips and pounds into me harder. I feel my walls clenching and her thrusts are getting sloppier telling me she's close. "Fuck. I'm cumming!" I scream as my body spasms. She pulls out and jerks off releasing on my stomach. When she comes down from her high she gets up and goes to the bathroom . She returns with a damp towel and cleans me off. I sit up and peck her lips at her thoughtfulness. She throws the towel in the laundry basket and crawls next to me. I lay down and cuddle into her and fall asleep.

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