Part II

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Ariana POV

To say I'm nervous right now is an understatement. Ava, Y/n's mom planned a shopping trip for us at 9 am. I think the dinner went well, but it wasn't me alone with her... I know Y/n and I's relationship is strong enough not to be broken by anyone's disapproval, but I do want her to like me. I want a good relationship with my in-laws, especially since they are trying to rebuild their bond with Y/nn.

I am currently standing in front of our bed staring at the outfits I laid out. Y/n is still asleep because it's only 7 am. I really wore her out last night. I have it narrowed down to a plaid skirt, matching blazer, and white top to go underneath; the second outfit is an olive colored dress and black suede jacket.

"Baby come back to bed." Y/n croaks out. Her morning voice makes me all tingly.

"I have to get ready my love. It's already 7:30 and your mom wants to meet at a coffee shop on the other side of town by 9."

"Baby don't stress, she will love you. You are everything any parent would want their child to be with."

I lean down and kiss her temporal, only for her to pull me onto her. "Y/nn! I still have to choose an outfit, we don't have time to cuddle." I whine making her chuckle.

"You should wear the plaid matching set. There now you have a few extra minutes to cuddle your future wife."

"As much as I love the sound of you calling me your future wife, I really do have to get ready. Join me?" I suggest.

She groans. "But it's soooo early."

"Well I just thought we could multitask in the shower, but if you not up for it, I guess I'll just take care of myself." I tease.

She jumps out of bed and throws me over her shoulder spanking me into the bathroom. The power of this girl... to be able to make me wet in seconds is insane.

"You don't touch yourself without daddy's permission babygirl." She says sternly.

I nod. "I know daddy; I love it when you take care of me." I smirk a little knowing I just baited her into getting up.

Time skip to shopping

"Hello Mrs. Evans and Ms. Grande it is a pleasure to have you shopping with us today. Welcome to Louboutin." An associate greets.

"Thank you. We would like some time to browse and then see what you recommend if that is alright." Ava says politely.

"Of course. Let me know if you have any questions about anything." We give a small nod in response and walk to look at the shoes.

"So Ariana, tell me about yourself. I would like to get to know the woman who seems to make my daughter so happy."

"Well, I am 26 and the CEO of Moonlight, but you already knew that. I love animals. I actually have 7 dogs and a pig. I love fashion, activism, and cooking. I have a good relationship with my father who taught me everything about business, my Nona taught me all about cooking, and my older brother, Frankie, is so important to me. They all really love Y/n too, Nona a little too much." I laugh as I say the last part.

"I have never been much of a cook, but fashion I can say I enjoy immensely. So you mentioned a few people dear, but what about your mom, if you don't mind me asking."

I take in a deep breath. "Yes, um she cheated on my father a while back and we had some disagreements after that. She also has been plotting against Y/n and I's relationship from the beginning. She even got my ex involved to try and break us up. She thought if I felt broken, that I would just get back together with Ricky and give him money, which she would also take a piece of. This is why Y/n wants to merge our companies, because together we are stronger and harder to take down."

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