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Ari convinced me to stay in the hospital seeing that I was feeling the effects of my concussion as I tried to make my way out. I also am in a cast because of a broken wrist, but my bruises and cuts have been healing nicely over the last week. Since my drunken accident we are unofficially living together. She won't let me out of her sight. I love it though, she's been taking such good care of me. I honestly don't deserve it because it was all my fault. She's still been going to the office since she is having to take vacation next week while we have a chat with my parents in Vegas. When she isn't here, she sends Emma and Courtney to watch me. It hasn't been too bad. Emma and I get into a lot of trouble though. It usually ends with my baby calling me and scolding me through the phone until I behave.

Time skip to next week

"Baby you almost packed? The jet just sent a confirmation it's ready." I yell up the stairs.

"Yeah. I'm ready. I didn't realize how much stuff I needed." She trails off.

I walk upstairs to see 3 big bags and 1 smaller bag filled to the brim. Then I look in the corner to see my single bag.

"Damn woman! Did you pack the house?!" I joke, only to get a very scary facial expression in return.

"I guess I won't be needing the duffle. I just thought while we were in Vegas, that we could maybe have some fun." She sighs.

"W-what kind of fun?" I stutter.

She walks to me and glides her pointer finger along my jaw, down my neck, past my abs stopping just at my waistband. "Oh, ya know. I went shopping with Court and bought a few things, I also packed some of your favorite toys daddy. If you want any of that to happen you better not complain or tease me during this trip." She says seriously.

I nod ferociously. "I understand baby girl. Daddy's sorry. Let me carry your bags down for you." I say doing all the suckig up I need to. I would do just about anything for that woman, she has me pussy whipped. If ya know ya know.

We pick up Emma and Courtney on the way and board the jet after some security checks. Of course my baby's jet is decorated for both comfort and sophistication.

"Wow Ari. This is great! Thanks for letting us join you guys, I know seeing your parents again is stressful." Emma says.

"Of course! Might as well make a trip out of it." Ari states.

I tug my ear. "Yeah, I would like to have at least one positive memory of this week. I'm trying not to get my hopes up about my parents having a good reaction, but I know they want me to take over the company. They may not full accept me, but they trained me for this. It's my responsibility."

Ari puts her hand on my leg trying to relax me. I lean my head on her shoulder as she starts rubbing soft circles on my leg while she lightly sings Celine Dion. I start to feel my eyes getting heavy and then nothing but darkness.

"Y/n, wake up my love. We're about to land." Ari coos.

I stretch then see Emma and Court stagger out of the bathroom looking completely disheveled. I just shake my head laughing to myself because they are definitely new members of the mile high club.

At the hotel

We get dressed and ready for tonight since I want to go ahead and get the business out of the way. I would actually like to enjoy this trip for the most part.

I am in a white button down and black slacks and my hair pulled out of my face. Ari is in a sage green dress that compliments her skin beautifully. She takes my breath away every day. I really am gonna marry this girl soon.

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