Chapter 27: In Real Life.

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"Where is she? What happened?" I asked the moment I saw Mr and Mrs Black

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"Where is she? What happened?" I asked the moment I saw Mr and Mrs Black.

"She's in surgery," Mrs Black answered, she looks completely devastated with her tear stained cheeks and red eyes, "a drunk driver crashed into her and a piece of glass deeply cut her side." Her voice cracked.

Anger surged through my body, the urge to find the irresponsible fucker who hurt my Kayden and beat the shit out of him is so strong. But I have to stop myself, for the sake of Kayden's parents.

"Will she be okay?" Isabella asked, her eyes are red as well, from all the crying, so are Sophia's.

"We hope so honey," Mrs Black smiled a little, you could see that that took effort out of her.

"She's going to take a while, why don't you guys sit down," Mr Black suggested.

Noah and Blake grabbed both my arms and tugged me down to sit between them, knowing that I wouldn't sit unless I was forced to.


Tap, tap, tap,tap, Ta-

"If you don't stop fucking tapping, I will make you stop." I shout at Blake, who somehow got an obnoxious pen to obnoxiously tap against his obnoxious metal chair.

Blake lifted up his arms as if mock surrender.

A hand was placed on my back, Mr. Black, "don't worry son, she'll be alright."

"Come on, let's take a walk." Noah grabbed my arm and pulled me up.

"But what if-"

"No, we're going on a walk." Noah stated.

"I'm not leaving her." I stated.

"Oliver," Mrs Black's soft voice spoke up, "would you please grab me a coffee?" She asked, "I promise that if there are any updates you'll be the first one I call." Her eyes remind me so much of Kayden's soft brown eyes, I can't help but agree.

"Okay," I nod and walk towards the cafeteria, Noah is right behind me.

"She'll be alright." He said.

"What if she won't?" My voice started cracking, "what if- what if she doesn't wake up? What if the surgery doesn't go well?" Tears started burning my eyes and blurring my vision as a lump formed in my throat.

I can't imagine a life without her, she is my life. She is my beak of sunshine on a rainy day. She always managed to make me happy and make everyone around her know that she cares for them. And we tried our best to show her that we care as well, that girl, MY Kayden, is our own little glue that, up till this moment right now, we didn't know we needed.

"She'll be okay." Noah stated and put his hand on my shoulder.

"I don't think I can live without her." I confessed.

"You won't have to, Kayden is the most stubborn person I know, do you really think that she will let some stupid motherfucker decide when she leaves?" He asked, making me laugh, she'd never let anyone decide for her.

"You're right," I swipe my thumb under my eye, catching the stray tear that managed to escape, "let's go get your mom a coffee."

"You know she never drinks coffee, she only wanted for you to get out of that waiting room." Noah started walking with me again.

"I know." I shrugged.


"Who here has relations to Kayden Cassia Black?" A nurse suddenly appeared, making all seven of us stand up immediately.

"Oh wow, all of you?" She asked.

We all nodded.

"That's nice," she smiled, "Kayden is out of surgery, it went well, she had to get stitches on her side because of the glass that penetrated her stomach in the crash, she's still asleep but you still can visit her, two at a time." She explained and walked away.

Mr and Mrs Black immediately walked into Kayden's room, then Sophia and Isabella then Blake and Noah.

Then me.

She's pale, that's the first thing I noticed, such a hard contrast to her naturally tanned skin, then the scratches all over her face and arms, I'm guessing her legs are covered with them too, then the bandages that cover the side of her forehead and right arm and probably her side as well.

I immediately walked to her and gently took her hand in mine, only then, did I sit down on the small chair next to her bed.

"You scared the shit out of me," I whispered to her, "you almost put me in a bed right next to you with the heart attack you almost gave me." I chuckle lightly.

"I love you," I whispered as tears started pooling my eyes again, "I really, really, love you. So you can never pull a stunt like this again, okay?" A tear fell from my eye and onto her arm.

"Please don't ever leave me," I pleaded, "I don't know what I would do without you, my Kayden, just get better okay? So that I can tell you I love you again and so I kiss you again." I kiss her arm and place my forehead on the mattress next to her.

You know, if this were a corny TV show, she'd probably wake up now and say some sarcastic line of her's. Too bad this is real life, and in real life, stuff like that never happens.

And knowing that, rips my heart out even more, it's horrible to think, but I regret saying those three little words that are so powerful, too powerful, look what happened to my Kayden because I uttered those sensitive words accidentally.

I should have waited for thanksgiving break and say it to her face to face like I intended to.

But now my Kayden is laying in a hospital bed because of me, because of my stupidity.

I wish I wasn't living in real life right now, I wish I was some character in a movie that after the cameras stop rolling they stop feeling the pain of hurting a loved one, unintentionally.

Hey, hi, hello.

How are you?

You probably love me by now, don't you?

I'm gonna just leave this here, so bye my lovelies.


K, love you byeee

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K, love you byeee.

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