Chapter 31: Unbroken Promises.

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I don't like admitting it, but being in a car scares me now

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I don't like admitting it, but being in a car scares me now.

Even sitting in the passenger seat and not having anything to do with what goes on in the seat next to me scares the shit out of me.

The doctor told me that I might be a little scared to drive for the next few weeks, but honestly, I can't imagine myself ever going back to driving.

"Hey, snap out of it." Aria called, bringing me back to earth.

"How did you know I was zoned out?" I ask, "and two hands on the wheel please."

She immediately fixed her hands and concentrated on the road, "I'm a nanny, kids zone out all the time." She explained and continued driving.

Aria is taking me to the game, I know I know, I should rest, but I hate not being there for Oliver, so Aria snuck me out, well not really, my parents are at the game so she only had to help me get dressed and walk to the car, but she still helped me out.

"Thank you," I muttered.

"For what, child?" She asked.

"Doing this for me, I can be a real pain sometimes and I'm sure basically carrying me down the stairs wasn't your ideal Sunday night plans." I explained.

"Hey Kay, don't think like that, I love you, I'd take a bullet for you if I need to, I'm happy to do this." She smiled but didn't take her eyes off the road, knowing I'll get anxious if she did.

"Thank you," I muttered again.

"No problem, child." She teased.


"You good walking?" Aria asked once we got out of the car.

"Yeah, it's only a two minute walk, I'll be fine." I smiled at her and we started walking towards the gym.

To be honest, it's difficult as hell to walk right now, and I hold my winces in every once in a while, but the moment we reached the gym and I saw Oliver's face that's so concentrated on the game, I feel like it's worth it. Completely.

Seeing him move around with the ball, throwing it or running while dribbling it, makes my heart jump with joy as all my love for him intensifies.

You never notice you love someone so much until it comes at you in a surprise attack and hits you in the gut.

And in that random, surprising moment, I knew, I knew, Oliver is the one. No one that might possibly come after him will give me the same butterflies, or make me blush as much, or would just send me random 'I love you' texts in the middle of the day just so that I know I'm loved.

He is the best person that ever existed, my very own boyfriend that's a built in best friend, he'd never judge me, hell if I ever murdered anyone and needed someone to help me hide the body, I'd call him, and if he didn't answer I'd call Sophia, but that's beside the point.

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