Chapter 30: Lovesick.

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"They actually dragged you out?" I laugh at Oliver, then wince because of my stomach

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"They actually dragged you out?" I laugh at Oliver, then wince because of my stomach.

"Yeah," he rubbed the back of his neck, then he start d rubbing my arm, silently comforting me.

"He needed it, you have no idea how smelly this dude was." Sophia laughed.

"It wasn't that bad!" Oliver exclaimed.

All of my friends are sitting around me, except Oliver, who's sitting right next to me on my bed with my hand clutched tightly in his.

"Well, babe, if you had to be dragged away, I think it was." I pat his thigh with my free hand.

"It wasn't," he mutters like a five year old, then he squeezes my hand with his.

"When are you getting discharged?" Isabella asks, oh how I missed my sweet angel.

"Sunday morning." I state, it's Thursday now so it's only three more days that I have to spend it this room.

Sunday is the day of Oliver's game. They don't know it, but I'm still planning on going.

"That's not that bad, right?" Oliver asked encouragingly as he gently wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Yup, then I can go back to my sweet, sweet bed," I grinned, "but why are you guys here?" I gesture at the guys.

"What do you mean?" Noah asks, looking offended as Blake cocks his head to the side in confusion and Oliver tightened his arms around me.

"Don't you guys have a game on Sunday?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?" Oliver asks.

"You guys have practice, no?" I look at him. I may not know sports all too well, but I do know you need to practice before a game.

"Yeah, but we decided on not going." Blake stated, diverting my attention from Oliver to him.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Because we want to be here with you." Noah said.

"What? No." I exclaim, "you can't not go to practice because of me." I stated.

"We're not leaving." All three of them said at the same time.

"I will not speak to any of you until you do leave." I challenged.

"Like you'll do that." Noah mocked.

"Don't underestimate her, I annoyed her so much one time, she didn't speak to me for a week. And we used to dorm together." Sophia grimaced.

It's true.

"Wait really?" Oliver asked me.

It's so hard not to answer him, but I'm holding my ground.

"Kayden," Oliver poked my arm.

"Holy shit, she's actually not speaking to us." Blake exclaimed.

"Told you." Sophia sang.

"Oh I remember that!" Isabella suddenly jumped, "that was a tough week, I was so torn between you two." She shook her head.

"Well it's Soph's fault." I stated.

"How?" She raised an eyebrow.

"You know what you did." I glared at her.

"What did she do?" Noah asked, making me shut my mouth and not dare answer him.

"Bro, she's not speaking to us." Oliver said, I suddenly remember the arm he has around my shoulders, making me shrug it off.

"Dude," Oliver looked offended, "come on, we're going." Oliver stated and scrambled off the bed.

"What happened to 'we're not leaving'?" Noah mocked.

"It died." Oliver deadpanned, then he grabbed Noah and pulled him up, then he did the same to Blake and all of them were just about to leave the room, when Oliver turned around and walked over to me.

"I love you." He crouched down and whispered in my ear, then kissed my forehand and pecked my lips.

When all three of them were out of the room, I scrambled to get to my phone and opened my texts with Oliver.

Me: I love you more!!!!

I'm such a softie for him it's sickening.

Ollie<3: I knew you wouldn't survive that long without talking to me.

Me: I can just imagine the stupid smug smirk you have on your face rn.

"Stop texting loverboy," Sophia exclaimed.

"I couldn't help it." I whined.

"Aww is our little Kayden lovesick?" Isabella came over to me and pinched my cheeks.

"First of all, that's hurt," I exclaimed, making Isabella frown, "second, yes." I nodded.

"Awwww," both of them cooed.

"Shut up," I grumbled.


Around three hours later, when everyone went about their day, successfully leaving me alone in the hospital room, my door barged open.

"Holy shit, why does nobody tell me anything anymore?" The girl in the door exclaimed, Aria.

"Hi," I waved at her slightly.

"Hi precious," she smiled broadly and sat next to me, "how are you feeling?" She asks.

"Better," I answer honestly, "I can laugh without being in pain now," I exclaim, making her laugh.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you," Aria and I were always pretty close, when I was in boarding school she used to call every Sunday, just to make sure I was doing okay. She really is the older sister I never had.

"It's okay," I muttered, "I actually have a favor to ask you, but you can't tell anyone." I mentioned.

"Go on," a sly smile grew on her face.


Hey, hi, hello.

How are you?

I'd like to announce that next chapter will be the last official chapter of Rame, not including the epilogue.

Anyhow, I really wanted this chapter to be up on my birthday but I've had a horrible writer's block so I couldn't, but it's only a couple of days after my birthday so I'll let this one slide just this once.


K, love you, muah

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K, love you, muah

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