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Meghan Patrick as Jenna James


Jenna purses her lips as she walks through the front door of the bar she's working in part time. She tosses her purse under the bar then sight heavily.

"Hey Jennifer." Her annoying co worker, Trish says from behind her.

"How many times do I have to tell you, don't call me that." She huffs back, not in the mood for her shit today.

"Someone's got their panties in a twist." She scoffs back, shaking her head as she shoves past her. Jenna rolls her eyes and throws her blonde hair into a messy bun.

She takes a deep breath and heads out to the bar, plastering a fake smile on her face as she converses with the customers.

She hates how she gets hit on, she hates being ogled at like she's some piece of meat; there for them to look at. She hates being a bartender and server but it's work.

Jenna runs her hand over her face when the door squeaks open. "Hey y'all. Sit anywhere you like." She says to a couple of guys, her eyes stuck on them.

They're definitely her type.

"Trish, I got 'em." She pushes past her and heads to the recently occupied table. "Hey boys, what can I get y'all started off with? We got Bud Light, Coors, uh, Yuengling Flight..." She rattles off. "All on draft."

They glance at each other. "Bud Light for me." The first one says in a slightly throaty voice.

"Same." He finally decides, nodding to himself about his decision.

Jenna smiles back then heads to the bar to get their beers.

"Y'all boys hungry? We got the Texas Special tonight-"

"Texas Special?"

"It's a pulled pork sandwich with jalapeño, cajun seasoning and a shit ton of barbecue sauce."

"That sounds good." The first one says.

"And you?" Her eyes run over his face.

He's cute.

He's got dimples, which are to die for in her book, tattoos, another fucking turn on and he's got a southern accent.

Check, check, motherfucking check.

"Huh?" Jenna jumps slightly, blushing when she realizes she's been staring at the guy for a little long than normalized amount. "I'm sorry, uh, ha ha, what can I getcha?"

"The BLT." He repeats, his cheek color matching hers. "Thanks."

"Of course." She smiles back, taking their menus. "My name's Jenna if y'all need somethin' else." She gives Dimples a flirty smile before she walks away.

She glances over her shoulder and sees the guy with dimples quickly look away. She smiles shyly as she disappears into the back room to collect herself.

When Jenna drops off their meals, she says, "Is this together or separate?"

"Separate." They say.

Jenna nods and an idea pops into her head. She's going to give the guy with the dimples and glasses her number.

He's one hundred percent her type.

"Here is yours and here is yours." She says, setting their bills face down on the table. She gives Dimples another flirty smile before walking away again.

She picks their cards up to ring them out.

Michael W. Hardy

She glances up at their table quickly then scribbles her name and number on his receipt.

She gives him yet another flirty smile. "Y'all have a good night." She boldly winks at him then walks away.

The rest of Jenna's night is boring, usually is on Mondays. She can't get that dimpled, four eyes out of her head for some reason. She barely talked to him and her body is fluttery.

She hates how he made her feel like that in just a few words.

Before she knows it, Jenna is closing down the bar, alone.

Trish had left a couple hours ago, thank god. She has no idea how much longer she can deal with that evil wench.

She's only working this job to help pay for student loans until she get signed to a label. She wants to be a musician, maybe a solo artist or hell, even backing vocals in a band.

She's been living in Nashville for a couple years now.

Jenna moved from her small town of Lawrenceburg, Kentucky for college and she never looked back, not once has she looked back.

She sighs to herself as she locks the front door behind her.

She heads to her car that's parked in a garage down the street and starts it up, relieved as she drives back to her house.


Unknown Number:
Hey, is this Jenna James?

Jenna James:
Who is this

Unknown Number:
Michael Hardy. You gave me your number at Tin Roof

Jenna James:
Oh! Hey!

Jenna James:
Sorry lol. What's up?

Michael Hardy:
Are you busy Friday night?

Jenna James:
After five I'm free

Michael Hardy:
Cool! Meet me at Whiskey Row at six

Jenna James:
Okay :) sounds good

Jenna grins as she pockets her phone. This guy had the most insane energy surrounding him, she could tell that he's an incredibly down to earth type of guy.

She cannot wait for Friday.

She just hopes this isn't a waste of her time.

Signed, Sober You - Michael HardyWhere stories live. Discover now