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Louisville, Kentucky

A few weeks later, the crew is stopping in good ol' Louisville, Kentucky. Jenna tried to talk Aaron into letting her skip the show because she doesn't want anything to do with Kentucky anymore but he couldn't let her do that. He played the 'disappointed fans' card and hit her where it hurts.

So, after putting on her big girl panties, Jenna James is preparing herself to put on a kick ass show so she can show her family that they were all wrong about her. They told her she was wasting her time being creative and that she should just stay with Tiny because he wanted to go to the military but she wasn't going to let herself be some stay at home mom with a dwindling amount of self respect.

No way, she was set on making a name for herself in Nashville, Tennessee and here she is, doing just that.

Wyatt was the only one who supported her. He was just like her in every way, that's why they got along so well and were so close.

She knows he's just over the moon about what she's doing with her life now.

Jenna passes her vape to Michael who takes a hit. "Y'know, one day I'm gonna like comin' back here." She says, leaning against the brick wall of the venue. "I'm just gonna forget about what they said to me and be glad to be home. I liked my hometown but bein' around 'em ruined it from me."

"Yeah, maybe just let 'em words roll off your back." He shrugs, his hand on her knee. "But I'd like to meet your family one day."




"Why no?"

"Because they'll ruin you like they ruined me."

"Babe," He sighs as he stands too. "They didn't ruin you. Their words made you a better person."

"Blah blah." She rolls her eyes. "Might just cut James off entirely and just go by Jenna Wyatt."

"That sounds cool."

"Or maybe do what y'all're doin' and just be mononymous like you and Ern."

"Jenna." He nods. "Sure."

"But it's a bitch to change my name like that so I'll prolly just stick with Jenna James." She shrugs. "You really wanna meet my family?"

"Yeah." He says. "We're here the day after tomorrow anyways so it'll be a good time to just be in and out."

She knows he isn't going to back down from this thought so she just gives in. "Okay." She sighs. "I'll call my brother and see what's goin' on after the show."

Michael kisses her sweetly. "Thanks baby."


"Unlonely me, unmess my head. Unlock that door, unwreck my head. Unbreak my heart, unmake my bed. Just stay, don't leave, unlonely me..."

Jenna sings her heart out. She's right where she needs to be in life. Her pretty smile drops when she sees a familiar face- faces off to the side of the crowd.

There's no way.

There's no fucking way.

Son of a bitch.

She feels herself get pissed, absolutely livid. She hasn't felt this angry since before she left for Nashville; her last day home, her entire family shit on her.

Signed, Sober You - Michael HardyWhere stories live. Discover now