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Jenna's pacing. It's three in the morning and she's pacing while chewing on her thumbnail. Her heart is beating so hard that it hurts. She's leaving for a three month long tour in a couple hours and she's freaking out.

"Babe." She doesn't look up or stop pacing. "Jenny." Still nothing. "Jen." She stops moving but continues chewing on her thumb. "Jenna." Michael's voice is hard and it makes her look up at him. "What's-" He looks at the alarm clock and groans as he sits up. "What's up?"

"I leave- I leave for tour in three hours. I gotta be at the airport in three hours. I gotta live on some... fuckin bus for three months and I can't- I can't- babe- I can't-" Tears form in her eyes as Michael stands. "Babe, I can't do this- I'm gonna fuck this up-"


"I know-"


"It's gonna make my career flop-"


She gasps, tears spilling down her flushed cheeks. "Michael, I don't- I don't- I can't-"

"Calm down, Jenny." He says softly, cupping her cheeks. "Everythin' is fine. It's normal to be nervous. Morgan is gonna be there with you. He'll keep you safe, okay?"

"I-" She takes in a shaky breath. "Babe, I can't do this-"

"Take a deep breath. I'll do it with you. In and out." She copies his breathing and nods. "It's gonna be fine."

"I'm sorry." She whispers.

He shakes his head and sits her down on the bed. Jenna drops her head on his shoulder and grips his hand tightly.

He brushes his thumb across the back of her hand. "You're gonna be okay. This tour is gonna be great. You're gonna have the time of your life."

"I'm gonna miss you."

"I know. I'm gonna miss you too." He kisses the top of her head.

He somehow gets her back into bed and she falls asleep in his arms.


"Hey," Michael takes Jenna's hand. "Look at me." Jenna looks up with bloodshot eyes.

She's never been on a plane before and she's nervous as hell but Michael had a private conversation with Morgan and he promised him that he'd take care of her, look after her.

"You're gonna be fine." He whispers, looking her dead in the eyes. "Call me when you land." He kisses her forehead then lips. "I love you."

She nods and swallows hard. "I love you too."

Michael smiles at her then gives Morgan a bro hug before they and their team heads to security.

After getting through that, Jenna is pacing in front of Morgan.

"You're makin' me dizzy." He mumbles, packing in a pinch. "Would you just sit with me? Please? Just do that for right now."

Jenna sits next to him and starts bouncing her knee. Morgan rests his hand on her shaking joint, his thumb brushing across the skin peeking out of her ripped jeans.

His touch sends zaps through her body.

Jenna awkwardly moves his hand off her knee and onto his leg. "How the fuck are you so calm right now?" She asks in a sharp tone causing an older woman to give her a dirty look.

Signed, Sober You - Michael HardyWhere stories live. Discover now