Holliday special: 🎃

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TW: mention of suicide, alcohol addiction, abuse, death, slight homophobia, and a little steamy toward the end.

Hope you enjoy this is a little darker than one I usually do but I just feel like this could apply to my characters as well as anyone else.

The general prompt is:

A few years after a horrible breakup, Heather finds herself looking at the same woman at a Halloween party with her friends.

How will this go?

Heather wasn't all that excited about going to this school party with her friends. Sure, it would be nice to see her old classmates again, she was just really hoping that she wouldn't be there.

"Heather hurry, Hiccup says he is just a few minutes away. What is taking you so long anyway?" Astrid asked through the door.

"I am ok, I am just thinking a little. I'll be out in a second," Heather said. She managed to zip up her dress and made a few adjustments to her hair. "You have my cape out there don't you?" She asked.

"I have it right here Heather, just come out," Astrid responded.

Heather opened the door of her room and stepped out.

"The vampire look suits you," Astrid said and handed her her cape.

"Thanks," Heather said and took the cape from Astrid's hand and clipped it around her neck.

They heard a honk from outside and they both looked out the window. A black car could be seen from the window and both of them knew that it was Hiccup.

Heather made sure that the dogs had enough food before she and Astrid hurried down the stairs of the apartment and out into the chilly October air.

"How are you, ladies?" Hiccup said while leaning on his car.

"We are very good," Astrid said and pecked his lips. "Lovely costume," she said and looked down at his outfit. He was wearing something that looked like leather armor and he had a strange symbol on his forehead. His prosthetic leg also looked stranger than normal.

"What are you supposed to be?" Heather asked.

"A Viking," Hiccup said with a smile.

"I could not have guessed," Heather said truthfully. He looked way too lanky to be a Viking.

"I think he looks handsome," Astrid said and kissed his cheek. Astrid was wearing something that looked like a Viking outfit as well, with a styrofoam ax on her hip.

"I like your outfits to ladies. A vampire and a beautiful Viking. Hop in the car, we don't want to be late," Hiccup said and let go of Astrid and they all jumped into the car.

Heather was often jealous of their perfect relationship. They had been together since high school, and they were now about to get married. Heather had had two relationships, one ended in her and her partner going their separate ways, the other... She didn't like to talk about it.

She often wondered how her last partner was doing. Maybe she found herself a partner and had started a family. Maybe she was able to get the job she always wanted. Heather honestly just hoped she was happy. She deserved it.

* * *

"Please stop doing that!" Heather laughed.

"No chance!" Her partner said and took another picture of her.

"I look horrible," Heather said while laughing.

"You look amazing love," she said and held the camera up in the air as Heather came over and tried to take it.

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