Squid Games

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(I am in the mood to make y'all cry. Sorry to sorry).

Have any of you watched Squid Games?

This chapter won't have any spoilers but I am just going to explain the game.

Marbles is the game where a pair plays with ten marbles each and the one that gets all ten from their partner win, (they have to have all 20). They have 30 minutes to win or they both lose.

So without further or do:

My ships playing the marble games.


Frida and Freya would both be in shock after hearing the rules of the game. Freya would panic while Frida would try her best to calm her down.

After Frida has calmed Freya down, they begin to talk about how they will do it. They talk about what they have to go back to the outside of the games and after a while, it is left clear that Frida has nothing to go back to except an abusive household.

Frida tries to convince Freya to take the marbles and get out of there and win, but Freya tricks Frida last second and slips the marbles into her pocket.

When Frida realizes she tries to give them back but the guards pull her away.


Freya: "live, get out of that house. I love you."


Player 022 eliminated.


Heather takes a little longer to realize what the games involve, as she has spent her entire life in foster care and from home to home.

Frida understands immediately and takes Heather's confusion to her advantage.

Frida says they don't have to worry at all and convinces Heather to just sit and cuddle with her for the entire 30 minutes.

When the 30 minutes are up, Frida hugs Heather tightly, kisses her on the head, and slips the marbles into her hand.

Frida suggests that they walk to the gates and when they reach a masked man asks who won. Frida tells him that Heather won and to take her away.

Heather obviously fights them once she realizes what is happening.


Frida: "I love you so much. Please live your life. Take care of your brother and take care of Shadow."


Player 002 eliminated.


They would both immediately realize what is happening and try to find a way around it. When no opening makes an appearance they decide to play a game, that way none of them can be to blame for the other's death.

Blaze purposely loses at whatever game they decided.

Tuffnut gets enraged at him that he lost on purpose but knows there is nothing he can do so he ultimately breaks down crying.

Blaze comforts him until he is able to walk.


Blaze: "thanks for playing Tuff! I love you!"


Player 003 eliminated.


Both understand what is going on and Sigrid knows there is no way she is going to win against him. She knows he is going to play dirty, and he does.

Grimmel ends up winning, only because he found a way to cheat.


Sigrid: "grant me one wish: let Frida move out and give her a decent amount of money."


Player 068 eliminated.


After they both understand what is going on, they know neither of them wants to win.  They can't live without the other.

But after a lot of talking, Drago convinces Ruby to go back to the kids. She protests the entire way but ultimately agrees.

Drago gives Ruby his marbles and Ruby walks away after Drago gives her a kiss and reassures her that everything is going to be ok.


Drago: "find someone new, I know you can. And tell the kids I love them."


Player 137 eliminated.

Blaze and Frida

They would both realize what is going on and panic. They would try their best to come up with a solution but use up all their time on it.

So Frida eventually resorts to trickery. She gives Blaze a tight hug, making sure she has both their bags of marbles before putting them in his back pockets.

She tells the guard she lost and Blaze goes wild. He searches himself before he finally finds the two bags. He tries his best to fight but after a while of fighting the men, he sees Frida taking the gun from one of the guards and putting it to her head.


Frida: "take care of Heather for me, please? Tell her I love her. And go to Tuffnut. Get married, have kids. I love you bud. Thank you for putting up with my shit."


Player 002 eliminated.

A/N: sorry about this. I promise that there will come a nice chapter tomorrow and a one-shot on the 25th. I was just in a little angsty mood today and this has been on my mind for a while so I am letting you guys share in my suffering.

Did I miss any ships or friendships?

Now I really want to see a drawing of my characters in the tracksuits they use in the squid games.

My inner monologue writing this: Squid game au? No, I have too much to do and way too many stories. But if any of you want to do it, let me know.

Hope you are all taking care of yourselves mentally and physically. Drink something and treat yourself to something good to eat. Take a walk around your house or inside your house. Talk to someone you trust, if you have anyone you trust.

If no one has told you yet, I will:

I am incredibly proud of you!!!!
You are doing amazing!!!!!
Keep going!!!!!

Just know that there is at least one person out there that loves you a lot. You should tell them you want to hang out and talk a little. It might help you both.

Take some time off your day to do something you like, no matter how weird or childish some people might think it is.

Hope you have a wonderful day/night/evening.

And last but not least: I love you!! All of you!! The gays, guys, girls, non-binary babes, trans folks, Christians, Muslims, Atheists, and all other religions and all you of color or all you paperwhite people. You are all loved here!!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤❤❤❤❤💖💖💖💖💖

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