_Have you ever wonder how is the love between a werewolf and a vampire?_

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[happy Halloween, the title is self explanatory]
[Smut Warning]

"Gundy~" said the werewolf while jumping in the vampire's bed
"Is something the matter?" Said the vampire waking up watching his boyfriend's tail wagging
"It's Halloween!!" Said the werewolf "let's go trick or treating!"
"Kazuichi isn't it a bit early for that?" Said the vampire trying to sleep more
"The sun is setting! If we don't go now we won't get candy" said Kazuichi
"Very well, but I hope I also get something in return" the vampire sat up and grabbed the other waist with one of his hands, pushing him closer to him, Kazuichi chuckled and kissed him.
"Of course Gundham, don't you remember what day it is today?" Asked Kazuichi
"Halloween?" Said Gundham jokingly
"Other than that" Kazuichi started nuzzling in the other's chest blushing
"Oh yeah" said Gundham who grabbed Kazuichi by the chin and made him look him in the eyes "tonight is your rut isn't it?" He said sensually making Kazuichi purr in his hand
"Yeah~ but first can we get candy!?" Changing the atmosphere completely Kazuichi grabbed Gundham forcing him to stand up "come on! It's going to be fun"
Gundham chuckled, he loved how Kazuichi got excited by a simple holiday, and he wasn't different, he found amusing how mortals honored higher beings such as himself meanwhile also being afraid of them.

He button up his shirt and then a dark vest, he put on some elegant trousers along with some shoes, his 'costume' finished with a large cape, he went to see how his boyfriend was doing, Kazuichi was having some troubles with the tank top, he put his head in the arm hole and now he was stuck.
"Do you need help?" Said Gundham, startling Kazuichi.
"...yeah" said Kazuichi, Gundham softly helped the werewolf getting untangled, and then he helped him putting it on again, softly caressing his hips "Gundham~ not now" Kazuichi said blushing
"But it seems like you like it" said Gundham pointing out the other's tail which was happily wagging.
"Yes~ but we had a plan" said Kazuichi quickly kissing the other
"I know, after all, in this evening you'll be the one begging for more~" said Gundham making Kazuichi blush intensely.

Gundham helped Kazuichi with the shirt he wanted to wear and the shorts which needed some adjustment, after a little bit of make up they were ready.

They've done this before, After sneaking into the town they were met by a lot of little children dressed in diverse costumes, it was a little bit adorable. With a bag in hand Kazuichi started knocking on people's doors to get candy while being followed by Gundham, in some places he got candy and in others not.
"Aren't you a bit old for Halloween?" Said a woman with a candies in her hand
"When are you old enough for Halloween really?" Said Kazuichi
"Hmm true" the woman gave him some candies.
"Thanks!" Shouted Kazuichi trying to get fast to the next house.
"A bit childish not gonna lie" said the woman
"And yet he is one of the most precious beings in this cursed world" said Gundham startling the woman who didn't even know he was there.

After a while Kazuichi's bag was full and he was happy, it was already very dark so they decided to head home, but before that a teen walked behind them and grabbed Kazuichi's tail.
"AH! What the..?" Said Kazuichi getting uncomfortable
"Hey mister! Where did you get this?" Said the teen pulling the tail "are you a furry or something?"
"You better stop, young mortal" said Gundham baring his fangs.
"Haha those are totally fake" said the teen"hey guys!" Look at this dudes, their costumes sucks!" He shouted a lot of other teens started surrounding them, making Kazuichi start to panic.
"Hey! Stop it" said Kazuichi when a girl started pulling his ears.
"Did you really glued them on?!" Said the girl laughing
"Stop this at once" said Gundham trying to push the kids out of the way
"Look at this old cape" said a kid grabbing his cape making Gundham fall "it look like something my grandpa would have"
The kids started pushing and pulling the supposed props making Kazuichi and Gundham very uncomfortable.
Gundham had enough when one of the kids slapped Kazuichi trying to get the 'fake' fur off, Gundham stood up and his eyes started glowing, his fangs grew bigger, he scared all of the kids away, leaving him and Kazuichi alone.
"Are you well my consort?" Said Gundham helping Kazuichi stand up
"... that was hot" said Kazuichi blushing "and now we have even more candy!"
Gundham noticed that when the kids fled some dropped their candy, considering what they've done, a fitting punishment.

They've arrived back home with more bags than usual, Gundham left the majority in a bowl and the others next to Kazuichi's work place, the werewolf liked messing up with machines and Gundham found it cute, the same way Kazuichi felt about Gundham's animal caring hobby.

"Gundy~ come to bed~" said Kazuichi while hugging the other from behind "I'm getting horny~"
"Is that so, well let's not keep you waiting" said Gundham who carried Kazuichi bridal style towards their room. When they arrived Gundham laid Kazuichi softly in the bed and he quickly got over him, they immediately kissed, their tongues rubbing against each other, Kazuichi's legs locking both of their hips together, they separated after a while.
"Ahh~ d-did you noticed?" Said Kazuichi pulling Gundham closer "when you scared off those kids I got so horny, I wanted to ride you until you filled me up~" Gundham kissed one of his hands.
"Such a needy little pet~" he said in his low voice "what would you like to do?"
"I want you to fuck me~!" Said Kazuichi drooling.
"Well you know how this works" said Gundham moving both of them so Gundham would be sitting and Kazuichi would be kneeling in front of him "you don't want this to hurt, do you?" Kazuichi shaked his head while pulling Gundham's pants, releasing the others dick.
"M-May I s-start?" Kazuichi was holding back his urge to just deepthroat Gundham's dick, they've done this before and they like to play around with a power dynamic that only appeared when they were in bed.
"You may" Gundham said grinning as Kazuichi started to lick the other's length, using his agile tongue to stimulate Gundham, trying to break his confident facade, Kazuichi suddenly took the other's whole dick into his mouth, he looked up seeing Gundham blushing trying to keep composure.

He started to suck while his head went up and down trying to get it the most wet possible so he didn't have problems later, thrusting his head against Gundham's dick, getting to taste every centimeter of the length. With one of his hands he unbuttoned his shorts and started to finger himself, eagerly waiting for the next step.
"A-are you this desperate?" Said Gundham holding back his moans "pleasuring your hole when I didn't finished yet? Let's speed this up if you are so interested!" Gundham knew how delicate Kazuichi got in his rut, and he also knew his most pleasurable places to touch. With a rapid hand movement he grabbed Kazuichi's tail and started teasing the tip, making Kazuichi moan with the other's dick in his mouth, making Gundham cum into the others mouth, not letting him out until he drank all of it.
"Such an alluring form you have" said Gundham grabbing Kazuichi and laying him in bed again "do you want this to continue"
"Y-yes~" said Kazuichi, they both kissed, and Gundham slowly entered the other's hole.
Kazuichi moaned into the kiss, his eyes watering, he was at the peak of pleasure, they separated and Gundham started thrusting, trying to get into reach Kazuichi's spot
"Aah~ Gundham, I know you can go fastER~!" Said Kazuichi, Gundham knew he reached the spot, and so he started aiming his thrusts into it making Kazuichi shout in pleasure.
"How easy it is to please you my pet~ you are also doing such a good job pleasing myself with your moans~" said Gundham who bit the other draining a bit of blood, making his stamina last longer
"GUNDY~ I'm about to CUM~! AH~" Kazuichi's tongue hanged outside of his mouth making him only moan in pleasure, Gundham hold Kazuichi and started thrusting harder into the other.
"You are so beautiful my consort~ do you wanna be filled by my cum as well?" Said Gundham grabbing tightly the other's hips
"FUCK YES~ fill me~ breed me!!" Said Kazuichi grabbing from the other's neck, they both kissed, Gundham cummed first hitting Kazuichi deeper than ever and filling him, making him cum aswell into both of their torsos.
They laid back in bed, relaxing, a moment later Kazuichi got closer to Gundham and they both cuddled.

"Imagine if I got pregnant" said Kazuichi "that would be weird"
"And anatomically incorrect" said Gundham also imagining the situation
"If we had a child, what would it be? A vampire or a werewolf" asked Kazuichi
"We may never know, but if we had kids we'll raise them until they are a powerful being" answered Gundham
"And he would be nice, not like those kids from before"
"Either way, I hope we could be a good family"
"We would do our best to be good parents, and even if we can't have kids I wouldn't mind trying" said Kazuichi making Gundham blush
"You always know how to make blush my consort"
"The same goes to you~" Kazuichi nuzzled into Gundham's chest "goodnight"
"Goodnight my paramour, love you"
"Love you too~"
And so they both drifted into sleep.

Happy Halloween my dudes, well this one must be the one I took the least to write, cuz I was like: "I should do a Halloween special" and I did
I hope you like it
And as always

Have a nice day~

The misadventures of Gundham and Souda! (Basically Soudam One shots)Where stories live. Discover now