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212 ran to the sink telling the guard to not come in because she's not wearing pants I'm trying my best not to laugh.

She then said something to hint to Sae to hurry up. The guard obviously was getting unpatinent. I seen Sae jump down from the vent I hand her toilet paper and clog my nose she does the same.

We hear the guard open the door and 212 yells at him. "You little bastard you! Hey jerkface! I said don't come in didn't I? You harassed us in there yeah! Hey the second I'm out of here I'll sue your ass got that!" She says and leaves we walk past the guard and walk to the sleeping quarters.

"Hey what did you see?" 212 asks Sae ignored her. "Come on what did you see?" She asks again "I'll tell you tomorrow." Sae replied "Why tomorrow why not now?" She asks "Hey, she said tomorrow, okay?" I said taking Sae's hand dragging her to the beds.

"Sugar. They were melting sugar." Sae said I looked at her. "Sugar?" I ask and thought about what the next game could be. "I'll see you tomorrow goodnight Yeona." She said and climed up to her bed. I went to my bed and fell asleep.

Hearing the music as always I wake up. The lady on the speakers announces it's time for breakfast. 212 is over by us asking what Sae saw.

"Hey what'd you see. It's the morning now you said you would. You were in there for a while so tell me now." 212 said "Masked guys were down there melting a liquid." Sae said "What was it?" 212 asked sae looked up at her then down. "Couldn't tell what." Sae said obviously lying.

"My God I had to put on a whole show just to save your life back there and you couldn't tell?" 212 said

"I smelled it though." Sae said "What was it? What did it smell like?" She asked "Sugar or something." Sae said

"You kidding me? You're saying that they were melting sugar in there?" 212 said making a jester for melting. "I think they were." Sae replied nodding. "So it was just that?" 212 asked and Sae nodded

"Girl,look if you aren't telling me everything I'll burn your eyes out with cigarettes." 212 said I looked up at her just to give her a death glare. 212 starts ranting about how she's hungry and she walks away to get breakfast.

"Hey, aren't you hungry?" Sae asked I just shook my head "Yeona you have to eat." She said "I'm not hungry." I said and smiled awkwardly she looks at me.

"Your lying."She said "What?"I ask letting out a little laugh. "When you lie you smile, quite awkwardly if i may add. I noticed this when you lied about you crying at home. You don't have to lie to me." She says and I nod.

"I'm just very scared but I promise I'm not starving myself." I say she stands up and puts her hand out I groan and get up and walk with her to get food.

Me and Sae were sitting on her bed Sae just looked at the food and I left mine alone I took one bite and nothing else I was stressing trying to figure out what the challenge was.

"Hey you okay?" Sae asked "Yeah I'm fine I'm just stressed." I said. A few minutes later I started laughing at a joke Sae made. She smiled a bit. "Hey! I saw that!" I say and laughed

"Saw what?"She asked I rolled my eyes "I saw you smile!" I laughed. The lady the announced the game was starting. I jumped off the bed waiting for Sae to jump too. We then walked off together to the line.

I was in front of Sae when I hear a man speak to her. "You saw something right? I happened to hear your discussion last night so tell me what did you see?" He said

"Why would she?" I asked looking behind us. Then back to the front. "Your defectors right? All the games they made us play in here are games I've played as a boy. The next game will be too I'm willing to bet. You tell me what they saw I might guess what it is." He said

We walk in seeing a playground and shapes.

I'm fucked...


Thank you for all the votes please vote if you want! I really appreciate you guys reading and voting!

Have a Goodnight/Morning.

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