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Be forewarned that there is abuse mentioned and bullying and body shaming mentioned

Lizzies POV
I had to put on my normal makeup to cover up the black eye my father just gave me. I barley eat now since he body shames me and other things about me. I leave my room and shut the door. I was just going to go to my first class until I heard Alyssa say something about me.
" look at how fat she looks no wonder that shirt doesn't fit." Alyssa says laughing at Lizzie and her friends laughed with her.
I run off crying in the bathroom. I don't know why everyone hates me. I know I'm fat and worthless. But I don't need to be told what I already notice.
" Hey are you ok."
Someone says.
" Y-Yeah I'm ok."
"You don't sound ok luv. How about you come out and we can talk."
I proceeded to open the stall and talk to the person.
" wait hope."
" omg Liz what happened, what wrong talk to me."
I run and hug hope crying in her shoulder.
" why does everyone here hate me. Everyone makes fun of me and call me fat."
" aw Liz your not fat."
" are you sure. I think your lying look at me."
I stop hugging hope and i stand in front of her.

Hopes POV
Lizzie just came crying to me that everyone is calling her fat and making fun of her. And she's not fat.
" Liz your not fat."
" yes I am hope. I'm not pretty or anything. Everyone keeps saying I'm fat or pregnant. And that I'm a slut."
" Lizzie look at me your gorgeous, and your not fat. And if you were pregnant I would be here for you but I know you aren't and you are not a slut."
I hug hope as tight as possible. " thank you hopey, your such a great friend."
I smile at Liz but I do wish we were more then friends. " bye Liz I will see you in class."
" yeah see ya."

Lizzies POV
I'm happy that me and hope are friends but I do wish we were more then friends. But hope is the only friend I have. People even make fun of hope being my friend they said that why would hope be friends with a failure like me. I'm starting to give up but I can't leave hope. If I left her she would be heart broken. She would lose the last person that means a lot to her. But I should get to class even tho I might be made fun of.
I sat down at my desk. At least I have hope in this one and she sits next to me.
Alyssa comes up to me and said something that really upset me.
" No wonder her dad hits her and her mother prefers Josie over her. She's just a failure to her family. And nobody loves her."
I don't say anything but I'm really upset an do want to cry. Hope enters the class and she sits next to me.
" hey Liz, you ok you look like your about to cry."
" no I'm not ok Alyssa just said something that upset me."
" aw Liz it's ok I'm here I can kill her if you want me to. I'll do anything to make sure your ok and safe."
" it's ok hope you don't to kill her."
" ok Liz if you need to talk just ask."
I nod at hope and she smiles.
I look back at hope once in awhile and just admire her beauty.
I'm starting not to feel so good.
" hope I'm not feeling so good."
" ok let's go to the nurse."
" can we just go to your room please."
" ok sure."

Hopes pov
Lizzie just told me she was sick so now we are skipping class. Idc about class I want to make sure my best friend is ok.
Invisique. Hope cast so they can get out easy.
They get to hopes room, Lizzie plops down on hopes bed. Hope goes to grab one of her hoodies.
" here Liz, wear my hoodie."
She puts on the hoodie. And snuggles into hopes hoodie.
Lizzie keeps on tossing and turning and groaning.
" Liz you ok do you need some medicine."
Lizzie nods at hope.
Hope gets off her chair and kisses Lizzies forehead. She meant that to be a friend kiss.
She goes by mr saltzman to get some medicine.
" hey dr. Saltzman, can I have some cold medicine Lizzie is sick."
Alaric could care less if she was sick or not.
" I'm sorry hope but we are all out." I was about to go get some. You can wait until I get back."
" no it's ok, I'll improvise. But thank you."

Hope heads back to her room to see Lizzie crying in pain. She runs over Lizzie and see that she is holding her stomach and holding her head.
Hope gets on the bed she turns Lizzie around and makes Lizzie lay on her chest.
" hope..."
" shhh just sleep."
Not so later after Lizzie falls asleep.
Hope kissing Lizzie head and she also falls asleep.
" love you Liz." Hope whispers.

A few hours later.

Lizzies POV
I woke up feeling better. And noticed that I'm laying on hope. I try to get up but hope pulls me down again.
" stay please."
" im sorry but I have to go it's almost curfew."
I look back and notice im way over curfew.
" bye hope see you tmwr."
I run towards my room to open the door to my father waiting for me.
" im sorry f-fathe-."
I couldn't even finish my sentence when I feel that I have been slapped. And then punched.
My dad beats me till I could barely get up.
Right now I could really have hope here with me. I really want to go over to he room but my dad would find out.
I hear the door to my room open and it's Josie.
" dad beat you again till your senseless ."
Josie laughed.
Josie kicks me in the stomach.
I groan in pain from the abuse.
" you are a failure to this family Lizzie. Mom doesn't want you dad doesn't and i don't. I suggest you leave the school so we don't have to see your ugly ass face ever again bitch."

And I know your pregnant, I really hope you have a miscarriage. Josie laughed.
I couldn't anymore. I ran out the room. And ran to hopes room. I see that she's on her phone and I walk over to her I get on the bed and i lay on her chest. I fall asleep on her.
" hey li-." Small little snores come out of the blondes mouth.
Hope puts her phone down and wraps her arm around Lizzie.

Hey guys I hoped you enjoyed this chapter we'll probably not enjoy you definetly cried. But anyways I hoped you like this.

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