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Lizzies POV
I know for sure my dad will slap me for not being in bed. He already slapped me for arriving a little over curfew. I think I might just stay in hopes room now. but I need to go get my stuff. I walk to my room to get my stuff and I see my favorited sister And my abusive father and over dramatic mother also abusive.
" Elizabeth." They all say
I walk past them but my father grabbed me and pushed me against a wall.
I felt a tear run down my face when we said that. He slaps me.
" God you are so annoying."
" dad let her go I want to take her to someone real quick. We'll be back father."
Alaric let's Lizzie go.
Josies grabs Lizzie aggressively. She had her hand around Lizzies neck and it was a tight grip. Josie goes to the kitchen quick to grab a knife. Josie tightens the grip of the knife and pushes it against Lizzies throat.
" let's see if hope will try to save you slut."
They make there way to hopes room. Josie barges into hopes room.
Hope turned around and saw Lizzie.
"L-Lizzie." Hope was in such sadness.
Lizzie started mumbling.
Josie tightens the knife to Lizzies throat.
Lizzie is crying.
" let her go."
" no you get to see her suffer."
Alaric and Caroline walk into hopes room. Josie drops the knife and Alaric pushes Lizzie.
Caroline vamp speeds to hope and holds her back.
" STOOOP LET HER GO." Hope cry's harder then she ever did in her entire life.
Hope breaks down while she witnessing Josie and Alaric abusing Lizzie.
Lizzie passes out.
Caroline let's go of hope.
Hope runs over to Lizzie and holds her to her chest.
" Lizzie get up."
" I don't know why you are with such a disgusting person like Lizzie she's ugly and fat she's also a crybaby."
After they leave hope slams the door with her powers.

She also casts vis sera Portus.

1 hour later
Hope is still breaking down and Lizzie wakes up. Lizzie sees Hope crying her heart out.
She grabs hopes face and kisses her.
" L-Lizzie."
Lizzie smiles " yes baby."
Hope pulls Lizzie into another kiss she pecks at Lizzies lips. " I thought you were dead."
" I don't look dead do I."
"It's a good thing I gave you my vampire blood ahead of time. So I think your in transition."
" I don't feel anything different."
" whatever I'm just happy your alive."
Lizzie smiles at hope.
" your def coming with me to New Orleans."
" Hope my dad will literally kill me."
" honey my family will protect you with all there heart once I tell them how much you mean to me. But I will protect you with all my heart."
" ok I'm believing you."
Lizzie rests her head in hopes neck.
Hope holds Lizzie tight as possible to her.
Hope whispers " those bitches touched my princess." She growls just thinking about them. Her eyes turn yellow.
" if they lay their hands on my baby one more time I will rip them apart."
Lizzie giggles at hope saying this. Hope smiles at Lizzies giggles.
" go sleep my love."
They cuddle with eachother for the rest of the night but hope stays up to make sure they don't make Josie siphon the spell Hope put on her door.

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