I miss you im sorry

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Lizzie and Hope have been having so much fun together. They were so happy that they forgot about what Lizzies family did to her. That's good because Lizzie doesn't need that haunting her for the rest of her life. I don't know why they did that even in the first place.
They also talked about if they will go back to the school to see if anyone changed but they didn't think so.

" hey baby do you think maybe we should go back to the school to see if anyone ha s changed or anything?" Hope questioned
" babe that would be the waste of out time they definitely didn't change one bit."
" your probably right. Let's just forget about them. Let's pretend that we never had this conversation."
" sounds good."

They went on with their normal day until they heard someone enter the mikaelson compound. It wasn't any of the mikaelsons because they were all home.
Hope and Lizzie saw a familiar face that they never though that they would ever see again. Josette saltzman,
Hope stood in front of Lizzie and growled. Her eyes glowed yellow.
" Hope chill I'm not here to harm Lizzie."
" I just came to say I'm sorry to Lizzie. I had no choice but to hurt you or else mom and dad would abuse me too. You shouldn't forgive me for what I did. I miss you I'm sorry."
Lizzie went up and hugged Josie.
" just know that I will never forgive you for what you did."
" I completely understand what I did was not acceptable."

They let go of eachother and Hope pulled Lizzie into her arms. Her eyes still glowed at Josie.
"Ok you wanted to apologize. Why are you still here."
" well since Lizzie left my parents have been abusing me."
" oh I'm sorry but if your parents are abusing you now where are going to live."
Hope felt bad for Josie.
" I thought maybe I could live here since Lizzie lives here but I don't want to ruin your guys relationship and fun. And it also seems like I'm Not welcome here."

Lizzie walked over to her sister and hugged her.
" you can stay here if it's ok with hope."
"Oh ok thank you."
" Hope it's ok that she stays here right."
" uh y-yes yes she can stay here it's perfectly fine with me."
Lizzie hugged her sister once again.
Then she went to hug hope.
" thank you hopey." Lizzie whispered in hopes ear. Hope smiled.
" your welcome baby."

Hope kissed Lizzies cheek. Lizzie then left them to do whatever.
" ok well we have one room left. You can stay in that room."
Hope directed Josie to the room.
" the rooms already have furniture and stuff in the rooms already."
" you should know that when you crashed here when we were dating."
" yeah we don't talk about that.
" yeah well I'm going to let you get settled in I'm gonna go find Lizzie."
" ok yeah bye."
Hope vamp speeded away and went to find Lizzie.
Josie got all settled in. And we'll they slept through the night.

Sorry that this one is just so short. I'm just really exhausted right now. I'm just going to take a break for a couple days but I'll upload in a few days.

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