t w e n t y - s e v e n

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E s m é r a l d a    A l b y

My heartbeats were racing when I opened my eyes.

Aedric. Charlotte. Stab. Poison.

Even in my waking moment, it wrapped my mind like cuffs, within its grasps, reigning my mind before I opened my eyes, and after. It took me time to adjust to candlelight, but when I did, I saw Aedric sitting beside me on his bed, his fingers loosely threading through my hairs. He appeared tossed and torn between worry and relief when he saw me awake. I immediately looked for his injury; it was wrapped, then, in a weird jump, I threw my arms around him, left around his neck while the other went to his waist to save his wound.

And I cried, again.


"He won't even stand before you ever again, Esmé, unless he's begging forgiveness at your feet."

I pulled back. "Are you okay? King Darius's blade, it had poison. You... you are okay, right?"

"I'm fine. The poison was tested. I took the antidote. My wound is cleaned with Mroyel. Relax."

Relief pooled in my heart. He was okay. He was right here. He'd won. We were safe. Our baby was safe.

"Charlotte, Aedric? Is she okay? She was stabbed. She... she did it for me. She... How? Please tell me she's okay."

"Shh," his arms clutched me tighter. "Liliana is still unsure, but hopeful. She'll make it."

It was all my fault.

"She was with a baby." I was with a baby.


He said nothing. It was enough answer. He just hugged me closer to him, quiet for the moment I wondered how easy it felt around him even when I was in nothing more than a chemise. I felt as comfortable around him without. He was my Aedric, my safe haven, not his best friend in front of whom a thousand layers would not be enough.

"Did he touch you?"

Was it to be counted? I swallowed, then shook my head.

"You were in a fucking chemise, Esméralda. Your cheek was bleeding, your face streaked with tears. Gabriel has done all he could to hurt me. Boundaries are already crossed. Tell me, or my assumptions are enough to beat him till my hands bleed, and more, then keep him rotting in the same dungeon for the rest of his life."

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