In the kingdom of Aeziris, a rebellion is rising, but its reins are not in the hands of its citizens. With a fine string entwining her heart with that of its chieftain, Esméralda must walk a knife-edge while navigating her way through a palace of ma...
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E s m é r a l d a A l b y
We walked silently for a while, not knowing what to speak and not wanting to speak. The sun already begun to take rest for the day behind the horizon. Even the dinner Eirik asked me to was quiet. He didn't mind if I was penniless or if he had to pay thirty-three silvers for the food neither of us were managing to swallow.
The wound I inflicted upon him was profound, but words had been always been arrows—once fired, they never come back. And I cut right through his heart. Not only did I betray his trust, I also insulted Prince Aedric whom Eirik held in high regard.
My fork clanked against the plate as my shoulders shook and grip on it became too lose. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Eirik. I'm so sorry." My hands turned to tight fists in my lap and I was too ashamed to lift my eyes to his. "I shouldn't have said that. No matter what was going on in my head, even thinking that about you brings me immense shame now."
He didn't say anything even as my tear dropped upon the fabric of my kirtle. "I don't know what came over me. I can't bear the thought of being with someone else than you, no matter what riches and title came with it. And I'm sorry I let it possess me and gave it enough power to hurt you."
"Esmé," he sighed.
"I'm sorry. I can't lose you. I love you, Eirik, so much that even the thought of you thinking that I'd leave you for a title kills me." I could feel my nails tearing through the weak cloth. "I'm not trying to provide excuses. I'm just sorry."
"Look at me," when I didn't, he repeated more sternly. "Look at me, Esméralda."
I couldn't refuse that tone.
"I shouldn't have asked that out of the blue. Without thinking, just jumping on the first opportunity I got, I was wrong."
"Opportunity, for what?"
"Doesn't matter anymore." He looked the other way, at the flowers decorating the fencing of this garden diner. His voice was low enough to be a whisper. "Not when you'd rather—"
His amber eyes stared back at me. "I'm sorry too, Esmé." His hand reached out to wipe a fallen tear of mine. "I love you too, in a way I never thought I could love anyone."
"Awh," came a feminine voice, causing us to snap out of the cosy privacy we had fallen into. A chubby woman in her forties stood by our table, with a smile so huge, I lacked the energy to reciprocate it even partially.
Me and Eirik shared glances as to what this unfamiliar brunette was awe-ing about.
"First, I'm sorry for snooping. Albeit, I only heard those 'I love you's' as I was serving the next table." Her smile failed to fall and it was beginning to creep me out, more considering her words. "I'm Agatha, proud co-owner of this little place. Do you know the speciality of my diner?"