t w e n t y - e i g h t

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E s m é r a l d a    A l b y

Her happiness was radiant, a squeal followed by so many claps, all I could hear was white noise. She hurried across the ballroom and up the stairs until she stood before him, then dropped into a bow of respect, her grace never failing her once.

"Grace herself."


King Darius spoke something. Queen Alice spoke something. Someone else was speaking something. I was being shaken. Their fingers brushed. He didn't look my way. Why couldn't I hear anything? He didn't look like he was searching for me. Why wasn't he frantic? It wasn't me standing beside him, then why was he standing there? He knew I didn't care if he wasn't a King, or Prince, or anyone, then why?

Give up the throne, walk out; we had a baby on our way, our little bundle of joy, Aedric, our family. We'd be happy.

Why wasn't he walking out of there?

He made Lady Celeste wear a ring, her hand in his. I was his wife. He made me wear a ring first. He made a vow. He kissed me. We made love. How could he do it all with another lady? She did the same. There were chants of kiss. He moved away. I could breathe. King Darius kept a hand on his shoulder, smiled. Aedric didn't pull her close. He didn't drape his arms around her. He leaned in, pressed his lips to her cheek. Was this what I was searching for now, a dwindling flicker of hope? The nobles were commenting something, chuckling amongst themselves. Maybe the joke wasn't funny because Aedric wasn't smiling. Why couldn't I hear anything?

He faced her, the distance between them lesser than a friend's, then he placed his one hand on her waist, other on her neck, and his lips on hers for the shortest of second before they blurred like two flickers of light finally cojoining to appear one.

"Forever, Esmé. You're my forever."

He had chosen her.

When my sight cleared, he was looking at me; his face blank, his demeanor frozen. Suddenly, the noises overwhelmed, all that music, comments, claps, crashing onto me like a wave of deluge. My fall was caught by someone, Andros's face in my view, his eyes teary.


"You're looking at him through the lens of love."

"He-he... not me... he... her... why?"

Andros hugged me in return. "I know. I... I don't know..."

"You'll never have to understand why I can't marry you."

"H-he promised... our baby, Andros... together... not apart..."

"What if their horizon is nobility?"

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