- Introduction -

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"I feel funny", he said, falling to his knees.
"I can't die here... Not now...
I'll be okay. I'll be fine.
It's okay...
I'm okay..."

John was simple;

He was a single and lonely man. He was neither smart nor stupid, and he wasn't too attractive - or repulsive either; he was just a typical guy.
He also was addicted to coffee, as
every adult should be.

Employed at a brick factory, he had to work night and day. Of course, he was tired, he needed more sleep, more energy, more coffee.

His home, rested in "Clorey Street", was a humble little apartment stuck between two bigger structures; one was a sky scraper, the other the
brick factory.

He had to be strong in order to keep his under-paid job, so he worked out at the gym across his house.
Everyday it was the same - same job, same workout, same food, same coffee.

When he had some spare time, he would spend it playing video games on his twelve year old computer.
He wasn't very talented at it, but he liked the way he felt when he would win a level - it felt rewarding, unlike the brick factory.

John also had a friend, David, and they would meet up the weekend at the Arcade, located near the church. David loved video games, so much so that John called him a "geek".
David had the job to post videos of himself playing video games on the internet - which made him famous, somehow, - and made ten thousand dollars every day, while John made one thousand every week.

But John wasn't jealous, instead, he was proud of him. They considered themselves "Best Friends", and nothing would separate them. Nothing, ever.

Everything was normal and peaceful, John had a simple life.

Until now.

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