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You! both of them shouted together.

what are you doing here? wait, are you spying me or stocking me? said urmi with shocked expression.

what? wait wait wait , spying or stocking a manner less girl like you! I have many more other work as well I don't have that much time to waist upon you said laksh narrowing his eyes .

so what are you doing in my office ? asked urmila with her raised eyebrow.

office? your office? since when? for your kind information this is my sister's office said laksh in rude voice controlling his anger. 

now you build relation with shanta didi also, I am PA of shanta suryavanshi okay, and I know you are a spy. who the hell gave money to you for this? or you are stocking me for troubling me , ohhhhh I guess it right you are just a spoiled boy who does eve teasing , you are just.......

shut the fuck up shouted laksh cutting urmi in middle which shudder her, she looked towards him with her big doe like eyes which were watered due to his loud voice, he looked at her eyes and felt guilty for scolding her because she was looking like a child to him.

what are these voices? asked shanta coming towards them.

didi both said together, laksh looked at her direction but she turned her face away and kept quiet.

laksh what happened? asked shanta looking at urmi's tears which she was trying hard to not let them fall.

who is she didi? whispered laksh.

my PA .

your PA, this girl argued with me didi, this is second time. and what is her qualification , her age ? you just appointed,  her said laksh in whispered not to let her hear. but, damaged was already done she heard everything.

laksh said shanta and glared at him.

s... so.. sorry , I didn't know you were didi's brother. sir I am really very sorry said urmi looking down with the fear of losing her job which was her one and only way of survive .

It's okay urmila, it is not your fault .here, take this file and give it to mr mathur said shanta giving her a file.

urmila left from there but laksh was looking at her direction with numerous numbers of thoughts running in his mind.

didi she.... laksh was cut off by shanta.

urmila sridhwaj.

17 years old.

12th pass out.

working as my PA.

50k salary.

a student.

  why are you giving me her bio- data ? asked laksh suddenly not looking at his sister.

To erase confusion teased shanta.

don't you think she is too young to work? asked laksh 

compulsion brother she said , anyways take this.

hun asked laksh coming back from his thoughts.

take this file, bye-bye said shanta.

bye, see you at home said laksh and kissed her forehead.

he was walking towards exit but looked back as if to searching something or someone.

shanta raised her eyebrows.

n.. nothing said laksh at went from there.

shanta turned to go to her cabin but stopped seeing every girl present there was looking at the direction from where her baby brother left. they all were ogling at her brother.

what said shanta to them.

n..n.. no.nothing..... nothing mam said all girls.

do the work for which you all are payed said shanta before leaving.

How jerk lakshman is being to our urmila?🥺

What do you think,, how would he ended up becoming for her?🙈

LAKSHMILA: opposite attractsWhere stories live. Discover now