Chapter ten: The funeral

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Quite to my dismay, it was a pretty warm, for a December day in New York. I was kind of hoping for the sad gloomy rain, with the people all dressed in black, not a fairly warm day, with kids in all colors, and parents wearing little bits of color. You know I hate to sound vain, but this is not what I expected it to be like. And I'm almost positive, after the funeral everyone will go to some house and celebrate. Not in a "Yay she's dead" kind of way but a um... To be honest I don't know why my family does that, I guess its like a tradition that we have. I remember, when I was ten years old, and my family had to go to Pennsylvania to go to my Aunt Betty's funeral. I mean it said when we first got to the church, but after we all went to my cousins house to laugh, talk, and eat. To me I thought this usual among many families, but when I grew up I learned it was not. Anyways, I am seeing so many people I grew up with, and classmates, it was amazing. Some of the kids I didn't even know, but then it kind of dawned on me, people have kids every so often.

Anyways, so all the my family and friends are seated. Finally, Dr.Anderson, also known as Pastor Anderson, arrives and greets everyone with a warm welcome.

"Hello, family and friends of Rowan. Today we are gathered to give thanks to God for bringing Rowan into our lives and also to morn of her loss. The other day I was looking for some quotes to use for my service next week, when I cam across this one, and thought it would be a great quote for today. It says 'Some people come into our lives and quickly go, stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts and we are never the same.' And I believe that this young lady left footprints on all of hearts and we will never be the same. I never knew this girl, but I hear she was a kind, sweethearted girl, who cared about everyone, and was always there to lend a helping hand. Right now I want you all to stand up to sing with us blessed insurance."

To be honest I never got the song blessed insurance. I mean I know I'm in my twenties, but I never got the song. I always thought it was the family saying thank you God we have insurance. Though that would be a good reason, I am almost positive that it doesn't mean that. Finally, everyone had finished the song. And now it was time for Mason to do his speech. As much as I want him to be all sad here, I want my parents to thing he's strong, but also sad at the same time, if you know what I mean. And so he starts.

" As many of you all know I am... was Rowans' fiance. The night I proposed to her was he night she died. I don't know. If I wouldn't have told her not to stay she wouldn't have been killed. I think about her every night. What would happen if I was the one died. Honestly, I try to think of other stuff to get my mind off her death, but somehow it always comes back to her. I remember the day after her death. I woke up about to call to remember she was dead. Its almost like I'm replaying a nightmare over day and night. She had such a nice smile, that could light up anyone's day. Her personality was kind, loving, caring, with a sense of darkness. But the darkness was not scary but funny, in a sense. In this day I hope we don't only morn her loss, but also remember her life, because she was a blessing to all of us."

So I know the speech may look short on paper, but to be honest it was pretty long, and not to mention pretty sweet. After that was my sisters speeches full of whining and crying. Then was that little B****'s turn, Charlotte. Her speech kind of gave it all away, so I didn't have to do much. Okay, so maybe it didn't really give it away. But I am almost positive that at least one person knew it was her.

"Hello fellow friends and family of Rowan. Today we are here to morn Rowans' death, but I am happy that she died." Clue one who says they are happy someone died at funeral even if they meant, because the person would see God. Continuing with the speech " She is now in heaven. Living a good life. As most of you know, I was not only a classmate to Rowan, but also kind of a sister to her." Okay, I would like to just stop right there.She was never a sister, and I am pretty sure 99% of the people there had no idea, who she was. And what really ticked me off is that they just nodded their heads in agreement when she said that. Not even my sister's objected. Continuing with speech " When she needed help,I was always their for her, she had such a great personality, and she brought light into out lives, so we should celebrate her death! To the family of Rowan, I want to say since I am the killer... I mean If I find out who the killer is I promise I will report he or she. " Then she just walks of the stage with contentment in her eyes. So the speech was short, and not that obvious she was my killer but still... The little mix up with since ,I am the killer, thing was pretty funny you have to admit. I am pretty sure someone in the audience thought that was just a little bit fishy.

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