That drawing

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After taking a nice bath,

"Fuh, feels good.." Aether said while coming out from the bathroom. After that, he make almond tofu for Xiao because Xiao asked for it. He heard the door opened. "Welcome back!" Aether said. "Mhm." Xiao nodded his head. "How's your day?" Aether asked. "Ok I guess." Xiao said. "Uhm..ok!" Aether smiled. "Your food is on the table!" Aether said. "Ok." Xiao answered.

Xiao went to take a bath. Aether is in his room scrolling through his phone. While he's scrolling his phone, he has a message.


"Oh, it's from boss." Aether said.


Zhongli: Hey Aether, I have a work for you. Do you think that you can make a design for this? *shows a picture*

Aether: Sure, I'll do it right away!

Zhongli: You no need to do it right away. The dateline is Friday. (Today is Tuesday)

Aether: Alright!

Zhongli: That's it, take care of yourself.

Aether: Yes boss 👍

End of chat

"Haha, boss is always so kind." Aether said himself. "But I'll start working now, I don't wanna delay it." He sat in front of his laptop and start doing his work. Xiao came in his room with his wet hair.

"Doing work?" Xiao asked while holding his plate of almond tofu. "I thought you would have knocking manners and yes, it's work." Aether said. "Sorry to bother you." Xiao said. "It's fine." Aether said with a little sigh. Xiao left Aether's room. He continued his work and wear his glasses.

He worked until 1 a.m. Someone opened Aether's room door, it was Xiao. He looked at Aether. He was asleep.

"Huh, he's working late.." Xiao said softly. He looked at Aether's work. "Hm, not bad.." He then looked back at Aether. He let out a little sigh.
He carry Aether to bed. He put Aether's blanket on him. "Goodnight." Xiao smiled and close the door.

The next morning

"Good morning!"
"Here, I made breakfast!"
"You're welcome!!"

"After this, wanna grab a coffee?" Xiao asked. "I have work but it's due on Friday so...I guess we can go grab one!" Aether said. " "Don't stress yourself." Xiao said. "Hmm, why you said that?" Aether asked. "You work so late last night." Xiao said. "Actually I often work late." He laughed a bit. "This is no joke." Xiao said with a serious face. "No, it's fine I-" "You need to rest more, don't stress yourself, take time to relax." Xiao said. Aether was a bit shocked. "O-Ok, I'll try." He said in a low voice.

"Now let's go get coffee." Xiao said. "Alright!!" Aether smiled back. They went to the coffee shop. "Welcome!" the coffee shop staff said. "Nice to see you both again!" she said. "You too!" Aether said. "You want your usual?" she asked. "Yup, both of us!" Aether said. "Coming right away!" the coffee shop staff said.

After a few minutes

"Here you go."
"Thank you!"
"Enjoy your coffee!"
Aether and Xiao left the coffee shop. They went back home. "You look like you have a day off." Aether said. "Yes." Xiao said. "In that case..can you accompany me while I work? Please.... I always so lonely." Aether said. "Ok." Xiao replied. "Yeay!!" Aether cheered. They both are in Aether's room.

After a few hours

"You done?" Xiao asked. "Yup!" Aether said. "Ohh, let's do something!" he said. "What thing?" Xiao asked with confuse. "I'll draw you!" Aether said. "Uhm..ok.." Xiao said awkwardly.

Aether take out his sketch and started to sketch Xiao. "Hold still, don't move.." He draw while sticking his tongue out.

After a while

"There, done!"

(Picture not mine, I found it from Pinterest)

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(Picture not mine, I found it from Pinterest)

"This doesn't look like what I'm doing now." Xiao said. "And why I'm wearing a glasses?" Xiao asked. "This is called modern!! I drew you in modern style!" Aether said. "Oh.." Xiao said. "Do you like it?" Aether asked Xiao. "Yeah, I like it." Xiao hold the drawing. "Mind if  I keep it?" Xiao asked. "Of course sure!!" Aether smiled.

"I'm gonna go take a bath now." Xiao said. "Ok!" Aether said. Xiao went into the bathroom. He thought himself: "Why does this boy make me feel warm..."

"It's my turn to take a bath!" Aether said while Xiao came out from the bathroom. Aether went in the bathroom. Xiao take the drawing and put in his room. He kept looking at it. "Hmm...he's so talented.." Xiao said.

Where's my glasses? (Xiao x Aether)Where stories live. Discover now