"You go first"

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*yawn* "Good morning, Xiao..." Aether said while yawning. "Morning." Xiao said while scratching his head. "Don't have work....?" Aether asked Xiao. "It's my day off." Xiao said. "How come you always get a day off??" Aether asked with confusion. "I only work on Monday, Wednesday and Friday." Xiao answered. "Ok..." Aether said.

"I'm off to work now." Aether said. "Work?" Xiao said. "I need to submit my work to my boss." Aether said. "Oh.. Can I come?" Xiao asked. "Uhm, sure!" Aether smiled.

Both of them went to Aether's working place. "Good morning Mr.Zhongli, this is my work!" Aether said. "Well, that's fast. Thank you. The design is very nice and modern. I like it." Zhongli said. Aether let a big smile. "If there's nothing else, I shall leave then." Aether said. "You can leave." Zhongli said. "Alright!!" Aether said.

"What took you so long?" Xiao said. Xiao was waiting for Aether. "Eh, I didn't take that long..." Aether said. They both walk on the streets. "Let's go to the coffee shop!! It's my treat hehe!" Aether said. "Your treat?" Xiao asked. "I'm being generous here!" Aether said. "Alright then, let's go." Xiao said.

They arrived at the coffee shop. "It's good to see you again!" the coffee shop staff said. "The usual please!" Aether smiled. "Oh gosh, his smiling is....ugh..cute.." Xiao thought in his mind. They waited for their coffee.

After a couple of minutes

"One black coffee and white coffee." the staff said. "Thank you!" Aether said. Xiao nodded his head. They sit together and enjoy their coffee :) "Why do you like black coffee that much?" Xiao asked. "It's bitter but I like it!" Aether said. "Why do you like white coffee that much?" Aether asked. "I just like it." He said. "Oh!" Aether said.

Aether kept staring at Xiao. "What's wrong? Is something on my face?" Xiao asked. "Nope!" He said. "Then why are you staring at me like that?" Xiao is a bit annoyed. "I heard some people said, if you look at more green trees, it will reduce your eye power." Aether said with a smile. "What kind of nonsense is that?" He asked. "So I believe it!" Aether said. "Huh..but why are you looking at me? I'm not a tree of something." He said. 

"I know you're not a tree but you're just so.....good-looking and I can't help it.." Aether blurnt out his words. Aether blushed. Xiao was shocked. He kept quiet. He hold Aether's cheek and......

Xiao kissed him. "X-Xiao.." Aether said in a soft voice. "OMG!!" the coffee staff look at them. "AWWWWW" she said. "What's going on out there?" another staff asked. "N-Nothing!!" the staff said. "Uhm, ok." the another staff said.

"Aether." Xiao said. "Xiao." Aether said. "Hmm??" Both of them said the same time. "You go first." Xiao said. "No, you." Aether said. "I like you!" Both of them said the same time."I like you too!" They both said the same time again. "Oh wait-" They both said. "Haha, Xiao, you're so funny!!" Aether laughed. "Oh uh.." Xiao said. He blushed and look away. But he also smiled a little. He looked back at Aether. "You look better without your glasses." He said. "Hmm? Really?" Aether said. Aether take off his glasses. Xiao eyes widened. He like it when Aether is without his glasses. "I can't see...." Aether said. He put on back his glasses. Xiao's face from :> to :| "Why you put back on??" He asked."I can't see without my glasses..." Aether replied. "No need to put back on." Xiao said. "Why???" Aether asked. "Your glasses make you weird." He said. "No it doesn't..." Xiao takes off Aether's glasses. Xiao help Aether to put his hair on his ear. He patted his head. "Your hair is so soft.." he said. "Ehehe.." Aether smiled.

Where's my glasses? (Xiao x Aether)Where stories live. Discover now