Chapter 7 : The Palace

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After Percy opened the book we all crowed around him to try and read what's in the book.
" So it says here the same thing we found in that book in the library" Percy said.
" Wait but in here it gives us a map of his palace , which maybe will help us try to find the crown" Annabeth informed us.
" And look! There is a riddle here, it might be something got to do with the clue Thoth was telling us about!" Sadie pointed out.
"This is what the riddle says ' His castle was very unique for this palace was different from the other. What makes it different helps you find the crown' " Percy read from the book.
"What?! Why does it say its a castle and its a palace? Which one is it? " I yelled in confusion.
"Wait I think I got it! What's the difference between a castle and a palace?" Asked Annabeth
"Umm a castle has a moat and a palace doesn't" Percy guessed.
" That's right! That why Thoth said the clue is water because the crown is hidden in water!" Annabeth yelled in excitement.
"And look in the map it shows us that there is a moat around the Palace." I pointed out.
"But wait where is his palace?" Asked Sadie
" Good question, but maybe it's some where here. We just have to keep on looking . It must be somewhere in this book."
" I think I found it, it says here that his palace was hidden somewhere in Alexandra. " Annabeth told us.
" You realise that is a huge city" Carter told her.
" She knows that alright" Percy said with a smirk on his face which he's trying to hide.
" Oh don't start Seaweed Brain" Annabeth responded while she hit him on his shoulder.
" Maybe we just have to go to the city and hope someone will help us on our way there" Said Sadie.
" Yeah maybe your right or even a god can help us." I said
" Okay we will figure out the details later but how are we going to get there?" Asked Annabeth
" We can go by plane. " I said
" No Percy can't, because him and Zeus , the God of the sky are not really friends yet. " Said Annabeth
" Okay how about a portal? " Sadie asked.
" No way am I going through that thing again, but I do have an idea. This time we are doing this our way." Said Percy with a huge smile on his face.

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