Chapter 6 : The book

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After everything went pitch black I was back in the tomb but I still can't find my friends.

  Then all of a sudden I hear a sound, I took Riptide out and opened the pen lid. Then I hear someone growling with frustration, Annabeth!

"Annabeth , is that you," I asked.

"Percy?" I hear her say and recognize her voice straight away.

"Over hear," I told her.

As she came closer I see Carter and Sadie right behind her and I breath in relief.

" Is everyone alright?" I asked them with concern.

" Yeah" They all said at the same time.

" What happened to you guys?" Sadie asked.

" I was in my nightmare , where there were spiders everywhere." Annabeth told us.

" We were in the sea and Sobik came and made us solve a riddle." Carter told he girls.

" I was in my nightmare where Walt was dying and I couldn't do anything to help him." Sadie said and tears are almost forming in her eyes.

" Wait what was the riddle?" Annabeth asked.

" What is cold and hard and can change everything, the heart." I told Annabeth.

" What was the point of that?" Sadie asked.

"He said that it will help us on our journey," Carter informed her.

" Wait wasn't there something about this in the oracle?" I asked.

"Oh yes, the oracle said, two will be lost in their nightmare while two will be lost in sea." Annabeth asked.

" Well at least that was over" Carter said with relief.

" Anyways lets continue our quest" Sadie suggested.

" Okay so we have to find the book , but where could it be," I said wishing I knew the answer.

" Okay so we were near this door before that voice took us to crazy world, so that means we can pass the door," Annabeth said.

As we get closer to the door , I stared at everyone. Then I went closer and turned the nob around and surprisingly it opened. I carefully opened the door and went inside. Everyone right behind me. As we went inside Sadie closed the door behind us. When we went inside we could see a room around the size of a classroom. In the middle of the room was long box which probably has Cleopatra in there. The room was decorated with Egyptian gods and symbols everywhere. I looked at Annabeth and she was amazed about the decorations and architect and I look at Sadie and Carter and they were looking at the pictures and reading the symbols , they probably understand it since they are Egyptians.

We walk around in amazement, mesmerized by everything . As I go closer to the box I realise there are Egyptian history in it. You can see almost all the gods doing something in there. On one side of the box I realise there is a book squashed in there. I tried my best to take it out but it won't budge. I called my friends over to help me and try to get it out. We tried everything but nothing worked.

"I think we have to solve something in order to get it out." Annabeth suggested.

"Yeah, I think your right." Carter told her.

While Carter and Annabeth were talking I realised there was a button at the top of the book. Without thinking I pressed it. A voice talked, the same one that told us to tell her our names and took us to the sea. It said:

"Why do you need this book?" The voice asked

"We need information about Ptolemy's Magic." I answered

"Well in order to get this book you need to solve a riddle" the voice told us.

"AWW man, not another one." Carter whined.

"Quit whining!" Sadie told him.

"Ready for the riddle?" The voice asked

"What can be used and very beneficial but isn't an object." The voice said.

"What?!" Sadie asked in frustration.

" Umm, let me see , your tools." I said hoping it's the answer.

"No." The voice replied.

"Ofcourse it's not you seaweed brain." Annabeth told me with fustration.

"How about ... The brain." Carter said.

"Very close but not it" the voice said.

"Of COURCE, why didn't I think of it from the first place!" Annabeth yelled.

"What is it?" Asked Sadie

"Wisdom." Annabeth told her.

"Correct." The voice told us.

Then the voice was gone. But then we heard a click. I straight away went to the book and got it out. As I hold it I can tell it's very ancient.

I turn the cover page.

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