Chapter 8 : Alexandria

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I prefer the plane. I prefer the plane much better then the sea because sometimes I get sea sick. So at the moment I am vomiting on the sea while Percy is driving the ship. It's amazing how he is not using the steering wheels but instead is using the sea.
"Look man I am sorry, I didn't know you get sick like this." Percy apologises to me.
"Nah man, all good, it's jus...." I started but then vomit filled my mouth.
"Gross." I heard Sadie say.
"Okay so once we get there what will we do, we need to have a plan." Mentioned Annabeth.
" I have no idea but I thi..Ahhh!" Sadie started but what interrupted by this man that came right out of the sea and landed on our ship. He has sea green eyes and is wearing a pair of khakis shorts.
I didn't hesitate , I got my wand and started spelling.
" No, wait! It's okay this is my dad, Poseidon God of the sea. Hi dad." Percy greeted.
"Hi Perseus, Annabeth. Who are those two?" Asked Poseidon.
"They are Egyptian Magicians who are with us on a quest. Carter , Sadie say hi to Percy's dad." Annabeth said.
" Nice to meet you ,sir." I hesitated. As he smiled at me.
"Percy I have some good news and bad news. The good news is that the castle isn't complicated to find. The bad news is even though you are the only one who can breath underwater. You can't go alone when trying to find the crown. Even though it is small , the crown is guarded by a creature. And I am afraid I don't really know what it is. But if you ever need my help. You know how to get me. " Poseidon said. As he dived back into the ocean.
" What did he mean , all of us have to go with you?" Sadie asked.
"He meant that all four of us have to go underwater and not let Percy go alone." Annabeth answered her question.
" But how? We can't breath underwater." I said.
"Don't worry about that I can put each one of you in a bubble and you will be able to breath." Percy told me.
"Oh,okay that is good." I said in relief.
"And if we use our powers in the bubble , will it work or sabotage it?" Sadie asked.
"No, don't worry. It will work." Annabeth answered.
"Guys I think I can see the city from here. " Percy said.
When we landed on the city. Annabeth went straight into checking the map for our next step.
"According to the map. His castle is towards the north." She said.
" Where are we now?" Asked Percy.
"West." I answer.
"So all we have to do is go this way?" Sadie said as she points right.
"Yeah, pretty much." Annabeth said.
We started heading towards that direction. When we see chaos happening, everyone is screaming and running around. So we head to that direction.
"What is going on?" Percy asked a lady that was screaming in terror.
"Ahh!!  There is a big dog near that restaurant. Destroying and killing everyone!" The lady yelled in terror. I doubt it's a big dog because apparently everything is covered with something called the Mist. So we went towards the restaurant and we saw a monster, not a big dog. It was a dragon like body with like 9 snake heads.
"Oh no not this again!" Percy said disappointedly. I am guessing he saw and fought this creature before. 
"What is it?" I ask.
"It is a hydra, Hercules was the first to kill it. It's a Greek monster." Annabeth said.
"How do we kill it?" I asked.
"CHOP THEIR HEADS OFF!" Sadie yelled in excitement.
"No we can't, every time you cut one head , another two just grows, trust me I have learnt that the hard way."Percy said remembering something.
"Okay then what do we do?" Asked Sadie.
"Percy, do you have a mirror?" I asked him.
"Yeah, why?" He asked.
"Oh of course you do." Annabeth said in sarcasm.
"Listen Sadie and Annabeth can distract the monster while Percy chops off the heads and then I will get the mirror and get the reflection of the light and make it reflect on the rest of the head. Burning it before it grows." I explained my plan.
"Of course! Hercules did something like that." Annabeth said.
Percy gave me his mirror and went off to kill the monster. While Annabeth put on a Yankee hat and instantly disappeared. Sadie got out her wand and went to distract it. I tried to find where the sun light was coming from.
"You ready?!" Asked Percy.
"Ready!" We replied.
Sadie and Annabeth both distracted the monster while Percy went behind it and chopped one of the heads off. I quickly got the sunlight to reflect on the head before it grows. After a while nothing replaced that head. So it worked! But the monster realized it was missing a head.
The monster started yelling and got angry and tried to eat Percy. But Percy was quicker and he dodged an attack by one of the heads and chopped off another head and I burned it off. We kept on using that process until all the heads and the body turned into dust and was sent to Tartarus.
"Okay that was alright." Sadie said.
"That's because you didn't do the killing part." Percy said.
"Shut up Seaweed Brain." She said as she went and kissed his cheek.
"Anyway let's go on with our path." I reminded them.
We went in the same direction as we left off until we saw this huge beautiful cattle surrounded by a huge moat. The moat was as wide as a river. It protects the castle pretty well.
"You ready Annabeth." Percy asked her. She nodded and he puts a bubble like thing around her. Then he puts it around Sadie and I.
" Are you ready for this." Percy asked.
We all nodded, "Okay we jump on the count to three." He continues, "1 ..2..3!"
And we jump.

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