The True Crown

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I'm sorry guys for the insanely long update. I had year 12 to study for and all. Hopefully now I have more free time and will try to finish the book. My english has improved HEAPS and you'll soon noticed that the grammar and spelling mistakes have decreased incredibly. Hope you enjoy the chapter. 


I have to admit, breathing underwater was quite cool. I was kind off jealous that Percy has this ability. Then again I still cool powers too. You'd think that that crown would be easy to find considering that the moat was small and all, but that was not the case. It almost felt like we were in a very deep green coloured river but the water currents weren't very strong. 'I think we should split up', 'That's not a good idea, if anything happens to you and your bubble bursts with Percy not around, things can get complicating.' I pulled my tongue out at Carter for rejecting my suggestion.

So we were aimlessly wondering around the moat trying to find the crown. 'How about we try to remember all the clues we got throughout the journey' Annabeth suggested. Percy listed, 'Water, wisdom and heart.' I looked at him with an astonished look, 'Heart , what heart?' 'That's right, I think we forgot to mention what happened when Percy and I were stuck in the sea, Sobek said 'The heart is cold and hard and it can change someone's life.' I amusingly watched as Annabeth smacked Carter hard on the head, 'You couldn't have mentioned this earlier! That's it! That's where the crown is! The heart refers to the middle and centre of the moat and the cold and hard object is the crown!' 'You know we could have figured that out on our own.' Percy attempted to defend himself.

'But, where would the centre of the moat be?' I said, trying to get everyone back on track. That's when Carter figured it out 'Maybe this is more than a moat, maybe the whole castle is like on an island and the water continue beneath it. Have you noticed that it's quite a large moat?' We all begin to go deeper under the castle its self, until Percy used his awesome water compass powers to pin point the exact location of the middle of the moat. But as soon as we reached the centre, there was nothing there but filthy water and almost dead seaweed. I then remembered the exact riddle for the wisdom clue, that wisdom is a tool. 'A tool', without thinking it through I pulled out a knife and dug it deep into the centre of the moat. This caused a reaction, but not the one I was hoping for. 

Instead of the crown just appearing in the centre, oddly enough man appeared. It seemed that he was transparent, like he was just a soul. I was the first to speak up, 'Who are you?' The man sadly smiled and said 'It is my crown that you seek, is it not?' Annabeth took a sharp breath, 'Potlemy... why aren't you in hell yet, being punished for what you did?' 'My soul isn't released yet, not until you destroy the crown, my attachments to the crown is far deeper than you could imagine.' Impatiently I ask, 'Then where is the crown?' 'To access the crown you must simply figure it out, here is one simple clue, it is located with the person you choose to give it to.' By this stage, I can tell Percy was ready to give up 'A riddle, just what we need' but I ignored what he said and tried to concentrate, I had a feeling I was on to something. 

'You give objects to people, you give objects to people to show that you care about them. The more you care about them, the greater that object is in terms of value. The most valuable thing you can give to a person is something that can change lives, it's your everything, it keeps you alive. You give the most important thing to the person you love. You give them your heart.' Everyone gave me an astonished face expect for Potlemy, he gave me a smile. 'Is the crown in your heart' Carter asked which Annabeth finally linked the last piece of the puzzle, 'It is his heart'. Percy publicised his confusion, 'But how, you casted a spell to try to keep you alive until you find the crown and when you did, you casted the spell to make you immortal but you did it wrong. How is the crown your heart. 'You are correct, I did cast a spell to try to keep me immortal, that did work, but to discover that the crown to immortality was the heart was the same way this smart girl figured it out, Sobek must have given you the same riddle. Once I have figured out it was the heart I immediately cast the spell, but I died not because the spell didn't work but because my heart wasn't pure.' 

'To destroy the crown, we have to destroy the heart, we have to kill me directly through the heart.' 'There is no we smart girl, only one' I looked at him so confusingly which he continued to elaborate. 'I was the first to discover that the crown to immortality is the heart, but once the chain has started it cannot be stopped, for the person whoever kills me...' ' Becomes immortal themselves' Annabeth continued before the man could. 'But only if the heart is pure enough, a heart that doesn't have much coldness or hardness in it.' Potlemy smiled at me. I looked at my friends and they all looked me as if I was the key. 'What! No, I'm am not the one, I don't have the purest heart and I don't want to be immortal!'. 'Sadie, even though I don't have many friends to be have a good model of something with a true pure heart. But I have no doubt that you do. You have given your heart to two individuals, one who's immortal and you would benefit from the immortality the most. Despite constantly being mean to me and annoying me, your heart is the purest of the pure. It's you Sadie.'

 I looked at my brother while he wiped my tears away. I wasn't ready for this, but I had to do with before Setne does, but first things first. 'Carter, promise me that you will stop me if I ever end up doing something horrible because of my ego or immortality.' With a kiss on the forehead 'I promise.'

I faced Potlemy and slowly approached him. He continued to smile all the way, not worried that he's about to go to hell and face his punishment. With one last encouraging smile from my friends, I lifted the knife and pierced the crown. That's when the screaming began.

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