Chapter 2 This was harder then I thought

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What Percy did there was amazing! He just came with his sword and killed that thing in a matter of seconds. That is why we couldn't kill it, it was a Greek monster.

After the fight , I lead the way to our Brooklyn house but it's not just our house. A lot of magicians live here and Sadie and I are teaching them how to make spells and stuff. As we approached the door , I opened the door and walked in and so did Sadie. But then I heard Percy saying.

"Why can't we come in?" He asked

"Oh sorry" I apologized.

"I give permission for Percy and Annabeth the demigods to enter the house!" I yelled.

Suddenly lightning came and hit the doors and Percy and Annabeth were allowed to come in.

"Why couldn't we come in from the first place?" Asked Annabeth

"That's because you guys aren't magicians , even animals can't come in." Said Sadie

"I guess that makes sense because in our camp. We have a magic barrier that only demigods can pass through."Percy said.

"Okay let's go to the library and start researching." I said.

"Oh by the way I did some researching and found so many things." Said Sadie.

I opened the library and I heard a happy squeal and an astonished sound. Annabeth is probably the one who is happy about seeing this library. She is exactly like me. Loves to go to museums and loves to research and stay in the library all day.

"OH MY GODS! This is an amazing library. It's huge and has so many books. I wish we had one like is in our camp. I would stay all day reading books and learning things." Annabeth said while squealing in happenise.

"Wow, Annabeth I have never seen you this happy, the last time you were this happy was when I took you on a date to Paris." Percy said.

Annabeth rolled her eyes and said , "Okay let's start researching and Sadie what did you find?" She asked.

"I found out that Ptolemy had his kingdom in Cairo. Making it possible that his crown is there. Most likely in his tomb or in his palace which is a museum know." Sadie said.

"And have you found anything about Ptolemy's magic?" Annabeth asked, having hope in her voice.

"I am sorry I couldn't find anything. That's why I got you guys, to help me find about his magic." Sadie said.

After around two hours of looking we found nothing. As we were about to give up we heard Percy jumping in happenisse.

"I FOUND IT!" Percy yelled while jumping up and down.

He got a book out and we read the title , ' Ptolemy 's History' . We then went to the content books and we found two chapters that we need.
Chapter 1 .... About Ptolemy
Chapter 7 ...... Ptolemy's magic

I got the book and I starting flipping through the page , reading as fast as I can.

" Oh look, it says here that Ptolemy was a king who ruled for two thousands of years. People thought he was immortal. To find out if he was immortal or not. John Franklin went in his palace and shot him in the back while Ptolemy was running. After he was shot Ptolemy kept running and didn't die at all.After one hundred years Ptolemy finally found the Crown. Once he found the crown he cast the spell to make himself immortal. But he made a mistake and didn't know about it. He then hid the crown. Then he died a normal death. After the death, magicians studied his body and found out that he cast a spell on himself in order to live long enough to find the crown and the spell will break once he found the crown. The spell lasts for 3 thousand years."I said

"Okay so Ptolemy cast a spell on himself in order to live long enough to find the Crown when he found the crown he cast the spell but he did a mistake without realizing and he dies a normal death. And now his crown is hidden somewhere in his palace ." Percy said.

" Thats right." I said

" So what are we suppose to do know ?" Sadie asked

" I have no idea ." I said

"Wait while I was researching about the Egyptians there was a god who knew everything. Wait what was he name again ." Annabeth said trying to remember.

"You mean Thoth the god of knowledge" Sadie said.

" YES! That's the one, so how about we go to him and ask him to help us or even give us a clue to finding the crown in the palace. We then go to his museum find the crown and destroy it before Setne gets it and rules both world." Annabeth suggested.

" Sound like it's going to be a quest." Percy said.

" Thats a great idea! What do you think Sadie?" I asked

" LETS DO THIS!" Sadie yelled.

" Okay so we meet here tomorrow same time, okay?" Annabeth said.

" Okay." Sadie and I said at the same time.

" But how are we going to Cairo?" Percy asked.

Sadie and I looked at each other. Having the same thought.

" Leave that to us." Sadie said.

Annabeth and Percy said their goodbyes and were on their way.

We are going to Cairo through a portal.

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