Chapter II

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I went to English and I saw this really cute boy sitting the other side of the classroom.I couldnt stop staring at him,he even caught me at one point and winked back i knew straight away that he likes me back.As soon as we went to partner work, bestie with bestie, girlfriend with boyfriend and me and my crush alone.The teacher paired us up and we got the work done and we did quiet well working with eachother.He didnt give me his number which i wish i asked for.As soon as English ended, i headed straight out to break to try and find that cute boy.I looked all over the place but nowhere to be seen.A tall girl comes all of a sudden walking towards me.'Your the new girl, arent you?' she laughed.
'uh yes what does it look like..' i knew i was messing with Sarah but i didnt at the time, i was new to the school.
'wow how dare you speak to me like that little animal.My names Sarah and dont mess with me or else youll get on the wrong side of me and a great old punch.' she walked away with her arms crossed.I sat down and stared at my phone, someone came walking up to me.'Hey, are you the new girl?If so whats your name i would love to know.'we shared a smile.
'Dune and yes im the new girl, i just talked to Sarah.She seems alright.Is she new?' my eyes lit up as i stared right to the girl's eyes.
'oh.well shes a well known bully but dont get on the left side of her.Also by the way, my name is Maisie.Also very nice name you got there.' we laughed together and i knew straight away that i had a friend standing right infront of me.'Wanna be my friend?As im new to the school i havent made any friends unfortunately.And heres my number, text or call if you need anything.' I gave her a piece of paper and she put it in the pocket of her black coat.'Yes sure.'She walked away and I stood there waiting for the bell to ring.
The bell rung and second i knew it i was sitting there, again just me listening to the teacher in History.Everyone was now drawing on the tables,'school full of animals' i thought as i rolled my eyes.The dreadful, long lesson was finally over and done with.I went to my next lesson before lunch which was Geography and I quiet enjoyed it.We learnt about the ice cap in Iceland 'Eyjafjoküll' i think its called-sorry if i miss spelt it.Im not Icelandic myself.I ate lunch next to Maisie, at least i wasn't alone not like i was for half of break.I had a few snacks for lunch but i didnt pack much only crumpets and crisps-i dont get hungry so easily.I ate my lunch quiet quickly and headed out straight to lunch break.I sat down where I did at break and a few minutes after Maisie joined me.

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