Chapter VI

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I went home after the dance and I saw that Sarah has called me 7 times.I stare at my phone in shock as i try to call her back to see what she wants.I message her because she didnt pick my calls up 'what do you want, Sarah 🙄' She read it but didnt reply so I was quite annoyed at her, actually.
She called me back and I answered when I was eating my dinner.
'Hi Dune, want me to be with Jay for you so I can get you your best friends back?' I froze and i thought to myself, well its just Jay were not dating and i miss my friends more than anything in the whole world.'Sure, deal and give me them back.'
'SIKE.Im just joking.Heres their numbers bye' I hung up on her and I was so happy that I got my best friends back!She isnt friends with them anymore and I'm finally seeing them again after 2 years!!' Well what if its a trap?What if she wants to take Jay away from me?Is she faking this?' Those thoughts kept on running through my head and I had to shut my eyes and let it rest.I can't let her scam me like this-She's stupid and dumb.I shouldn't fall for any of her "secret" tricks and scams.She just wants to steal Jay but I know he won't date her.He said his type is blondes anyway.

Jay ran to me and hugged me a last final goodbye of school.I cried and cried until Maisie came to comfort me and hug me-If only I can be in her arms again.To see her smiling face one more time before I leave.I hugged Maisie and I told her 'I loved her so much, I would never ever ever ever ever let her go even for my best friends.Shes the most supportive person i've ever met' She thinks everyone is equal- Everyone is human and thats true.But the thing is, that I'm moving to USA and she won't be coming with me.My friends live in USA same as the rest of my family.I was so excited and I thought of how much I'll miss our good times.That they're coming to an end.These memories will be locked away forever.

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