Chapter III

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I went to school one morning and I decided to use my plan.Maisie came walking up to me,'hey uhm...what do you think your doing here on the phone to a teacher during lunchtime?' she raised an eyebrow.
'oh, talking to them.'i smiled.
A few days later my plan worked to get Sarah suspended but it worked too well.I sighed heavily as i stared at the clock.Over the intercom the principal spoke 'please Sarah come to my office NOW!!' I laughed and smiled because I knew it was my fault and I think that my plan was too mean but shes a bully anyway so oh well.It worked out fine as it should go.
A few weeks later there was an upcoming dance and me and Maisie would love to join, so we decided to go home and look for matching dresses.I looked online and Maisie looked online but we couldn't find any matching dresses either they were too ugly or the pretty ones were a colour we didn't want.
In the end, after 2 hours of looking we finally found 2 dresses that actually match!We bought the dresses and went on call to eachother to show our dresses we got and tried them on at the same time.
Maisie' s was stunning, as stunning as her and the waist on the dress was fitted to be on her skinny, beautiful body.I watched her as she twirled gracefully and I immediately loved Maisie in that dress.I then tried mine on and Maisie was so shocked that she put her dress back on and we both danced around and laughed and smiled.I knew that she is the best friend i've had in ages, and will always be the best friend ever.She said how amazing I looked and how pretty my thin body looked in the luscious deep blue princess dress.
The day after I went to school again and I hate not having the same class as Maisie but I had Art and I saw the cute boy again, I instantly without hesitating gave him my number and I looked at him, I blushed slightly and he smiled back at me.It felt like Cupid shot his arrow and thats when I knew, I had my 4th Crush after 5 Years of being single,I think it's time to get a relationship.After the lesson ended,I followed him and I gave him a big hug saying 'Will you be my best friend please?'I smiled and made him laugh.After a few seconds he finally accepted.I laughed and smiled and then we both blushed at eachother and I went to my next class finally with Maisie.
I also met a new friend, Ashley and she's OK not as good as Maisie but still one of my best friends like the guy I like, Oh and I nearly forgot (his name is Jay by the way.)

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